The Daily Courier

Public urged to update vaccines after mumps, measles cases reported


Highly contagious virus confirmed in 17 people in Toronto, plus NHL, WHL hockey players

TORONTO (CP) — Public health officials and infectious disease experts are urging Canadians to check that their vaccinatio­ns are up to date as clusters of mumps are investigat­ed in Ontario and Alberta, and measles cases are probed in Nova Scotia.

The viral infections are both covered by the measles-mumpsrubel­la (MMR) or measles-mumpsrubel­la-varicella (MMRV) vaccines. However, experts say people between the ages of 18 and 35 need to ensure they’ve had two doses of the shots to bolster their immunity.

“Mumps and measles are very contagious illnesses . . . at the moment we have this particular issue with people who’ve only had one dose of vaccine. For this age group, it’s a good time to check and make sure they’ve had two doses,” said Dr. Allison McGeer, director of infection control at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital.

McGeer explained that when the mumps and measles vaccine was introduced, only one dose was administer­ed. It later became apparent that two doses were needed for it to be effective over the long term.

McGeer said there was nothing overly worrisome about the recent mumps and measles cases, but noted they served as a reminder of the importance of immunizati­on efforts.

“The fact that you can still get clusters of cases is a marker for just how important having those vaccinatio­n programs is. If they didn’t happen then everybody got sick.”

In Toronto, public health officials said Friday there were 17 confirmed cases of mumps in the city, all involving people between 18 and 35 years of age who had frequented west-end bars.

A Toronto Public Health spokeswoma­n said 60 per cent of those cases were not immunized or under-immunized. Lenore Bromley noted, however, that the risk to the general public was low.

In Alberta, officials said there were up to four potential cases of mumps in Edmonton, which typically sees zero to two cases each year. The WHL hockey team based in Medicine Hat, Alta., had seven players and a coach with mumps, Alberta Health Services said.

The Vancouver Canucks say at least one player — Troy Stecher — has been diagnosed with mumps and that several others have shown symptoms of the highly contagious virus.

The mumps virus is found in saliva and respirator­y droplets, and is spread from person to person through coughing, sneezing, and coming into contact with a person’s saliva by sharing drinks or utensils, or by kissing.

Complicati­ons from mumps can include encephalit­is, meningitis, painful swelling of the testicles or the ovaries, pancreatit­is and hearing loss.

Pregnant women who become infected with mumps during the first three months of pregnancy are at risk of miscarriag­e.

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