The Daily Courier

Study suggests excessive computer use has adverse effects on patient care


CALGARY — A University of Calgary study suggests that patient care is suffering from an overuse of computers in hospitals and doctor offices.

Dr. Myles Leslie from The School of Public Policy studied health-care workers in the intensive care units of three U.S. hospitals. He found some doctors and nurses spent up to 90 per cent of their shift on a computer.

“You have the attitude already that this is becoming the job and the job is data management,” Leslie said Thursday.

“The job really isn’t fixing bodies and interactin­g with them. It’s just managing streams of data. That’s a big challenge.”

Leslie said too much computer work for staff could lead to patients feeling neglected and to less communicat­ion between doctors, nurses and social workers.

The study, which has been published in the journal Health Services Research, involved 446 hours of observatio­nal data collected from the three ICUs over one year.

The average time retrieving health informatio­n with the use of computers averaged about 49 per cent but was as high as 90 per cent.

Leslie said part of the study involved talking to patients and families who were getting less handson attention.

“The father of a daughter who was inside the room said they come up. They look at the numbers. They ignore the patient. They leave. This is not right,” said Leslie.

“The experience ... we got from the families we were talking to was ‘I feel like a piece of meat rather than somebody who is part of my care and really part of anything that is going on around here.”

Leslie suggested it may take awhile, but hospitals and medical schools need to educate health-care profession­als about a more balanced approach to patient care.

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