The Daily Courier

Even more criticisms of apartment block proposal



The Highstreet Carrington Ridge Apartments. are a disaster for West Kelowna. The proposal is ugly and should not even be considered. There are several issues.

1. It is an eyesore. It looks like a 1960’s housing project.

2. There is no considerat­ion for the surroundin­g neighborho­ods.

3. These units should be for sale, not rent. This is the wrong location for rentals.

4. There is no play area for children. Do we have school capacity for these children?

5. The traffic study is flawed. It was done in November when trafÀc is lower. Summer trafÀc on Gellatly is signiÀcant­ly higher than indicated in the study and it does not account for the trafÀc that will result from the other undevelope­d lots.

6. With 350 parking spots, all trafÀc should be directed onto Carrington Road and there should be more undergroun­d parking.

7. Are there even enough people to rent this volume of apartments. If not will this end up lowering costs to attract renters and then it becomes low-income rental. This is the wrong location for low-income rental.

8. There is not the infrastruc­ture in place for the volume of cars expected.

9. Crime will increase with this many rental units.

10. The developer should consider the previous plans by Medican. They were more appealing and Àt in with the surroundin­g community. Those units were for sale and the project moved upward with more green space at ground level, not outward with no green space, like this project proposes.

11. There is no vegetation berm between this large ugly parking lot and the Majoros Road residents. The roads in this area are narrow 50-yearold roads with no sidewalks and open ditches on either side. There is nowhere to walk to avoid the inÁux of cars. This is an accident waiting to happen as there is a lot of pedestrian trafÀc in this area. There are only two exit points from this community on Carrall Road and Witt Road. In winter, these cars will not be able to get to the apartment complex from Witt or Carrall Road due to steepness in these roads and this area is known to have stuck cars routinely on every major snowfall. Witt and Gellatly is a dangerous blind corner with cars routinely going into the ditch every winter. Even school buses have difÀculty navigating this area in winter.

12. The recreation complex is closer to residents of Majoros Road than it is to the unit residents and it is open 24 hours. Will Majoros Road residents be dealing with all-night parties? These units will be mostly rented by young people. Heather Reid, West Kelowna

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