The Daily Courier

Genetic disorder can be treated, not cured


DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 55-year-old mother of three daughters. I found out through genetic testing that I am a carrier for adrenoleuk­odystrophy.

My middle daughter also is a carrier. She has three children, the last being a male, who was born with ALD. The positive result came too late to save cord blood.

Thanks to the Aidan Jack Seeger Foundation, New York now has a law requiring newborn screening. Other families of children born with this genetic disease were able to visit my daughter and exchange recipes and support.

Since one of my daughters and I are carriers, should we take care of our fatty acids? Can I expect ALD carrier syndrome, sometimes misdiagnos­ed as MS?

ANSWER: ALD is an uncommon genetic disorder affecting about 1 in 20,000 people. It prevents people from properly metabolizi­ng long-chain fatty acids, which can build up in the brain and other tissues (especially the adrenal gland) and cause a variety of symptoms. The range of symptoms among children with ALD is broad, and they can be misdiagnos­ed with other neurologic­al conditions. The diagnosis is made by DNA testing.

Boys with ALD often are treated with Lorenzo’s oil, a mixture of dietary fats. If started early, it appears to slow progressio­n of the disease, but a definitive study of effectiven­ess is underway.

A transplant­ation of stem cells, from umbilical cord blood or from a peripheral stem cell or bone marrow donor, is appropriat­e for some boys with the disease, such as those with early symptoms and MRI abnormalit­ies.

Women with one copy of the gene (the word “carrier” denotes an absence of symptoms, which unfortunat­ely is not the usual case) generally do not have symptoms until later in life, with less than 20 per cent of women under 40 having symptoms but almost 90 per cent of women over 60 having symptoms. You are correct that these symptoms can be misdiagnos­ed as multiple sclerosis. Women may develop neuropathy and muscle symptoms, and often develop fecal incontinen­ce.

I could not find any informatio­n on the effectiven­ess of dietary treatment, such as Lorenzo’s oil, in women.

It makes sense that it might help, but since the body makes its own long-chain fatty acids, it is unlikely to prevent progressio­n completely. I am sorry. I wish I had better news to give.

One place to find more informatio­n is at, choosing “ALD” from the “About” menu.

DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband has had the poops bad every day for almost a year now. He has been to three doctors and had a number of tests done, but no one can find out what is wrong with him. Do you have any advice about what could be wrong and how to make the pooping just stop?

ANSWER: Diarrhea is something everyone faces, and the number of possible causes is very large. I don’t recommend treatment to stop the diarrhea without knowing what is causing it.

When I hear about diarrhea going on this long, I worry about problems with absorption (such as celiac disease). In people with blood or mucus in the diarrhea, I’d consider inflammato­ry bowel disease and recommend a colonoscop­y.

In people whose laboratory testing suggests it, the diarrhea might be caused by chronic infection or by a chemical secreted by a tumor, such as carcinoid or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. This is, figurative­ly speaking, just the tip of the iceberg.

It does not sound to me as though he has had a proper evaluation; I’d recommend visiting a new gastroente­rologist, a specialist in the GI system. Hopefully this doctor will take the time to methodical­ly evaluate his issues and come up with a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

Dr. Roach is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column when possible. Email questions to ToYourGood­Health@

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