The Daily Courier

A milestone month


As we move into the last couple of weeks of the school year, the Central Okanagan, along with many other communitie­s, finds itself in the position of coping with unseasonab­le weather, and lake and water levels which will possibly exceed those previously measured.

This could have put a damper on the celebratio­ns that always take place this time of year, but all the usual events are taking place.

Graduation ceremonies for our Grade 12 students are attended by proud families and friends. The ceremonies recognize that the students have reached an important milestone in their lives.

Whether they will be joining the workforce or going on to further education, everyone wishes them well in their future endeavours.

This is also a time to recognize all the educators and support staff who have helped those students through their schooling, from kindergart­en to Grade 12, and to the families and community members who have provided support when needed.

In the Central Okanagan School District, 111 employees retired during the 2016-17 school year. All of these employees have been engaged in what I believe is the most important endeavour of all – the education, support, and nurturing of our young people.

To all of them, good wishes for a happy and healthy retirement.

During the year, in these newspaper columns, we have recognized the many volunteers who help provide opportunit­ies for our students.

These are often employees as well as community members, and we see them at school events and as volunteer coaches. We have also acknowledg­ed the student volunteers who reach out to others, making their lives better.

So, to everyone connected to Central Okanagan Public Schools, the Board of Education wishes you a happy summer.

To those returning in September, we look forward to welcoming you back, and to those leaving, bon voyage.

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