The Daily Courier

New government already failing



It would appear the NDP/Green coalition is having difficulty getting off the ground.

After complainin­g about the Liberals stalling activity within the Legislatur­e, they appear to be woefully unprepared to name a cabinet, write a throne speech, or recall the legislatur­e.

To focus on their swearing in as opposed to providing a direction for this coalition, getting their house in order and testing the confidence of the Legislatur­e, they choose to suspend the calling of the House until after Labour Day.

Wow, over 60 days to sit back, collect their cheques and twiddle their thumbs amongst what must likely be significan­t naval gazing.

As they had vowed that they were ready to lead this Legislatur­e some many weeks ago, I am left to wonder why they wait. Perhaps they had not seen beyond the toppling of the Liberals.

While premier-designate John Horgan and Green Leader Andrew Weaver would certainly prefer that the Liberals put forth a speaker to improve their slim coalition majority, there must be more to governing than just counting heads.

This coalition is practising what they complained about, delay, distractio­n and more delay.

If you truly are ready to govern, then get to it. The people of this province need clarity and confidence in our legislator­s. Sadly, it appears lacking. Gerry Clark,


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