The Daily Courier

Khadr rewarded for killing one of our allies


Editor: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (a.k.a. “Sunny Ways”) and the Supreme Court of Canada never cease to amaze.

Our government’s haste to cut a cheque for Omar Khadr, amounting to a multi-million dollar award in response to the SCOC’s finding that the “child soldier’s” constituti­onal rights were violated, is not only baffling but, as former prime minister Stephen Harper said, is simply “wrong.”

Recruited by his father, a friend of Osama Bin Laden, the “child soldier” was not even in Canada at the time he committed the murder of the U.S. soldier (who, by the way are Canada’s allies in the coalition to root out terrorists in Afghanista­n).

Our elected Parliament sent troops into war, troops who volunteere­d to fight for our country. Many came home in body bags and had their bravery honoured with the dedication of highways to remember them.

But many more still have to fight for the assistance they deserve for the physical and mental injuries suffered by doing their duty.

How can it be that at the same time, one of the enemy soldiers they took off the battlefiel­d ends up being rewarded for his own acts of treason and murder?

After Canadian-citizen, enemy-combatant Khadr made and threw his deadly grenade that killed our American brother in arms, he was injured in the firefight and cared for by military medics. He was detained and provided legal counsel. His participat­ion against his countrymen in a foreign war was clearly treasonous, as were the covert actions of his Canadian family who helped put him there.

Canada’s oath of allegiance calls for our citizens to be faithful to our nation and to the Queen. For such allegiance, our citizens are afforded a claim to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that guarantee the right to life, liberty and security.

Khadr forfeited his claim to such protection­s when he willingly and knowingly violated his allegiance to Canada by taking up arms against “us” and our allies. He purposeful­ly caused the death of one soldier and a debilitati­ng injury to another. He pleaded guilty to his crimes and was duly processed in a military court.

Our Liberal government has failed us on leadership. Payment of a windfall of cash to Khadr as compensati­on for sleep deprivatio­n while being interrogat­ed in U.S. custody, is an insult to every Canadian and American soldier, and most injurious to the loved ones of Khadr’s victims.

Any money from our government should go to the injured U.S. medic for the injuries he sustained, and to the murdered American soldier’s widow.

Stop this stupidity and start looking after the real victims, including our own veterans.

Trudeau, if he were a true leader, would follow his predecesso­r’s example and pay nothing to Khadr. Rather than steal tax money from Canadians to put Khadr and his lawyers knee-deep in clover for the rest of their lives, the Khadr family should be sued for the legal costs incurred by taxpayers.

Then, they should have their citizenshi­p revoked and be deported to the country for whom their allegiance truly lies. Stop the “legal aid” to those lawyers who profit to fight our own government. Invoke the notwithsta­nding clause” on the Charter, which was put there under Trudeau’s father, Pierre.

It is our military and police who protect our freedoms, not terrorists, their families, or their radical ideologies. Our nation’s flag is generously unfurled for all, dark or white, who bear no moral stain.

William Douglass Biden, Kelowna

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