The Daily Courier

Something leaving bad taste in mouth


DEAR DR. ROACH: I have talked to numerous doctors about my problem, but no one has an answer, and most don’t take it seriously. I have a terrible taste in my mouth all the time.

Sometimes it is bearable, but often it is so bad that it makes me gag and choke. The only way I can stand it is by sucking on sugar-free mints, but that also makes me sick to my stomach.

I have been on dialysis for 3 1/2 years. My kidney doctor says that this shouldn’t cause the problem, but the time coincides with the bad taste. This is reducing the quality of my life in a huge way.

ANSWER: Bad taste in the mouth (we use the Greek term for “bad taste,” which is “dysgeusia”) can be caused by several diseases, as well as by medication­s.

While it certainly is associated with people developing end-stage kidney disease, it is uncommon in people who are on dialysis.

For some people, increasing the time on dialysis can help (either through more times per week or by more hours per time). Eating less protein has helped some people, too.

The timing makes me suspicious, as it does you, but it’s always wise to look at all of the possibilit­ies.

I would check with your dentist, since dental issues are one common cause. Too much of some metals (chrome, zinc, lead, copper) and too little of another (zinc, again) can cause taste changes.

Neurologic­al problems, like Parkinson disease and multiple sclerosis, can cause it, but I have never seen someone have that as an initial symptom.

An ear/nose/throat doctor (otolaryngo­logist, also called a head and neck surgeon) would be a good resource.

DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband beat small cell lung cancer with chemo and radiation, but after a few months he was walking with a cane.

A few months later, he had a walker. Now, since December, he has been in a wheelchair. He has peripheral neuropathy. What can I do to help my husband?

ANSWER: Treatment to relieve symptoms is possible: An antidepres­sant drug, duloxetine, has been particular­ly helpful for some people. However, physical therapy may be the most effective treatment.

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