The Daily Courier

Dangerous roadway


Dear Editor: I really feel for all those who must travel that super unsafe Westside Road daily. How do you do it and beat all that stress? This applies to all the residents out that way, (Fintry, etc.), and those who work at Lake Okanagan Resort.

Your life is in constant danger with too many speeding dunces to contend with, a terribly narrow road, and with a former government’s total disregard for much more -needed barriers to guard any vehicle from just going over the edge and plummeting to certain death.

I drove out that way today with two of my mover helpers and we were all like wow, this road still really stinks, to put it very gently. I heard of changes to be made over the years... it’s not happening! Just broken promises and lies.

When awesome bighorns and deer are present, like today as usual, or the road becomes slippery due to any poor weather conditions, this is still the most dangerous road in B.C., if not all of North America. We were in complete daylight too so I can only imagine how much more dangerous it is during the evening.

Last time I wrote the Liberals, some years ago now, I was told, (in a brush-off sense), that changes were to be made and yet very little has been done on any road safety improvemen­ts.

Yes, some widening, little, but much more barriers are still very much needed on the non-mountain side of traffic.

Who is with me on this grave danger concern ignored for too long? Please take 10 minutes and write the so-called minister in place and the new premier to not just widen some stretches at times, but to put up way more concrete barriers and guards.

For the complete safety of many residents out that way and for anyone having to travel out there to visit Lake Okanagan Resort, family, and etc., I am just trying to care and help.

But please help me help you and write the uncaring government of years past to finally implement a massive new change on very simple road safety. I am so very tired of nothing being done! Are you?

Nol Preen Kelowna

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