The Daily Courier

Hope dwindles for families of lost Argentina submarine crew


MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina — Federico Ibanez clings to a fence crowded with blue-and-white Argentine flags, rosary beads and messages of support for his brother and 43 other crew members of a missing submarine that should have arrived to a naval base days ago. But his hopes are slowly dwindling.

Ibanez and other relatives of the sub’s crew are now growing increasing­ly distressed as experts say that the vessel lost in the South Atlantic for seven days might be reaching a critical period of low oxygen Wednesday.

The ARA San Juan went missing Nov. 15 when it was sailing from the extreme southern port of Ushuaia to the city of Mar del Plata, about 400 kilometres southeast of Buenos Aires. The Argentine navy and outside experts worry that oxygen for the crew would only last seven to 10 days if the sub is intact but submerged. Authoritie­s still do not know if the sub rose to the surface to replenish its oxygen supply and charge batteries.

The German-built diesel-electric TR-1700 class submarine was set to arrive Monday to a naval base in Mar del Plata, where local residents have arrived bearing messages of support for relatives of the crew anxiously waiting for news.

More than a dozen internatio­nal airplanes and ships have joined the maritime search despite stormy weather that has caused powerful waves of more than six metres. The search teams are combing the waters in a wide area of some 480,000 square kilometres, which is roughly the size of Spain.

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