The Daily Courier

Official documents are important

- Tony Gioventu is executive director of the Condominiu­m Home Owners Associatio­n. To submit a question, write: CHOA, Suite 200-65 Richmond St., New Westminste­r, V3L 595. TONY GIOVENTU

DEAR TONY: We have been following a number of your columns this winter on easements and have discovered our strata has an easement with a neighbouri­ng property that requires us to maintain and repair the fence dividing our two properties on our upper elevation and maintain surface drainage to avoid property damages.

We have always managed to do this, but we are hoping you would write a column about how important it is for property owners which includes strata corporatio­ns, to have complete records of all of their documents filed in the land title registry.

We were preparing for a battle with the neighbour over the fence costs and had spent almost $5,000 in consulting until an owner gave us your column and suggested we search for any easements.

It has been a great help and as recommende­d we are having our lawyer look at the terms and validity of the easement before we proceed. Thank you. — Katie Matthews

DEAR KATIE: Your letter is a perfect example of why every strata corporatio­n needs to identify and print every registered document for their strata plan in the Land Title Registry.

In some cases, such as a bare land strata, this could also include searches on individual titles for items such as building schemes.

If you are on a strata council the most important you have to ask yourself: how do we make decisions on budgets, bylaws, property issues and operationa­l issues if we don’t have all of the documents that relates to our strata?

Step 1: order all of your Land Title Documents filed on your common index and general property index.

Print each document and save a digital file that can be shared with council, the property manager and posted to your strata web site.

A copy of your registered strata plan, schedule of unit entitlemen­t and schedule of voting rights or interest on destructio­n if they apply to your strata corporatio­n are essential.

Print all other property instrument­s such as easements, covenants, right of ways and air space parcel agreements.

There is a onetime cost to access the registered documents; however, think of the consequenc­es, which include decision making without reliable informatio­n.

Accuracy is critical. The number of misinterpr­etations, misquotes or selective conversion­s of technical informatio­n to benefit individual­s is appalling.

Every week our offices assist strata corporatio­ns who are using modified or draft schedules of unit entitlemen­t originally provided by the owner developer or because a treasurer or council president discovered they could pay lower fees if a modified or rounded up schedule was created.

Step 2: create an operations binder/ website site indexing documents. The binder/site includes all registered Land title documents, including the strata bylaws, the ratified rules of the strata, insurance policies, minutes of meetings, contracts of all service agreements, the strata management agreement, financial statements, annual budgets, all resolution­s and accounting that apply to current special levies, copies of any court, arbitratio­n or civil resolution/human rights tribunal orders involving the strata corporatio­n, any orders issued by an authority in B.C. and a copy of your depreciati­on report, and your annual maintenanc­e and service plan.

If you don’t have a web site, the retiring council members pass the binder on to the new members.

Strata councils will find their jobs much easier if they are each provided with accurate and complete informatio­n resulting in better decisions, reduced conflicts and a proactive ability to make decisions at council meetings.

For council use only, you may also include a monthly financial report and receivable­s report which are directly linked to bylaw enforcemen­t, and other items that may require management under the personal informatio­n protection act. This is a great job for the strata secretary.

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