The Daily Courier

Formerly pro-choice Trump now with pro-life supporters ‘all the way’

Trump steps to forefront of the anti-abortion movement


WASHINGTON — He once called himself “pro-choice.” But a year into his presidency, Donald Trump is stepping to the forefront of his administra­tion’s efforts to roll back abortion rights.

“Love saves lives,” the president said Friday from the White House Rose Garden, in an address broadcast to thousands of demonstrat­ors in the annual March for Life. “We are with you all the way.”

Though his record is mixed and a midterm election looms, abortion opponents say they have not felt so optimistic in at least a decade.

“I don’t think anybody thinks that the White House is a perfectly regimented and orderly family ... but that doesn’t change their commitment to the issue,” said Marjorie Dannenfels­er, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion organizati­on that is expanding its door-knocking operation across states with Senate incumbents who have voted for abortion rights.

With a Republican-controlled Congress at his back on this issue, Trump is cementing his turnaround on abortion with the address to the March for Life — the first president to do so by video in the event's 45-year history, he said. That’s a symbolic change from last year, when Vice-President Mike Pence — in practical terms, the leader of the anti-abortion movement in the United States — addressed the group in Trump's absence.

“In one short year, President Donald Trump has made a difference for life,” Pence told march leaders Thursday night.

Trump has given anti-abortion activists a few key victories.

Chief among them: the confirmati­on of conservati­ve Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Trump also has revived and expanded a ban on sending U.S. aid to groups overseas that provide abortion counsellin­g. And he signed legislatio­n allowing states to withhold federal family planning dollars from clinics that provide abortion services. The administra­tion has made its priorities clear in other ways, too — including appointmen­ts to key government posts and a new mission statement for the Department of Health and Human Services. The agency announced it is dedicated to supporting Americans at “every stage of life, beginning at conception.”

On Thursday, the administra­tion announced the creation of a new office to protect the religious rights of medical providers, including those who oppose abortion. Supporters of abortion rights say it adds up to a president doing administra­tively what he’s often failed to accomplish through Congress.

“Time and again, we have seen this administra­tion radically redefine religious freedom to impose one set of ultraconse­rvative beliefs on all Americans,” said Sarah Hutchinson Ratcliffe, vice-president of Catholics for Choice.

Trump has failed to deliver on promises to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding or permanentl­y ban taxpayer dollars from being used for abortions.

The effort to defund Planned Parenthood, for example, failed with the Republican effort to repeal former president Barack Obama’s health-care law.

Behind the mixed record is Trump’s complicate­d personal history on abortion.

White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway says his transforma­tion from supporting to opposing abortion rights dates back to at least 2011. And while she says he has shown his commitment to the anti-abortion movement “early and often,” he has at times seemed uncomforta­ble with the issue.

Dannenfels­er recalls her struggle in 2016 after the SBA List told GOP primary voters in Iowa and elsewhere that Trump could not be trusted on the issue.

But Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, who supports abortion rights, made the choice easy, Dannenfels­er recalled. One wobble came in October, when the Access Hollywood recording was released with Trump's voice boasting of assaulting women. He denied having done so, and a conversati­on with an aide to Pence helped Dannenfels­er stay aboard.

A year into Trump's term, abortion opponents see the stall of anti-abortion legislatio­n as a product of the slim Republican majority in the Senate. So, they’re focusing on the midterm elections.

Conway says abortion is a key part of discussion­s with prospectiv­e GOP candidates.

And groups like the SBA List are boosting their ground games in an effort to turn out people who want to roll back abortions, including Hispanics, but don’t tend to vote in nonpreside­ntial election years.

The group's band of door-knockers, who make about $10 an hour, are among about 220 canvassers on the ground targeting Democratic Senate incumbents in Ohio, Indiana, Florida, Missouri and North Dakota. A spokeswoma­n said the group is aiming to quadruple the number of paid canvassers in 2018 and expand its operations into Senate races in West Virginia, Wisconsin and likely Minnesota.

In Madeira, Ohio, on a recent chilly Sunday, Alison Pavlicek led a band of six women down Miami Hills Drive to homes suggested by an app that tracks voter informatio­n.

They knocked and asked people who answered if they were aware of Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown’s voting history. Pavlicek said she sometimes looks for statues of the Virgin Mary in front of homes -signals in stone of residents “friendly” to the anti-abortion cause. “People are really receptive now,” she said. Polling shows Americans have complicate­d feelings on the divisive issue of abortion nearly 45 years after the Supreme Court legalized it in the Roe v. Wade decision.

A recent poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that just over a third of Americans think abortion should be illegal in most or all cases. That includes a majority of Republican­s and about 20 per cent of Democrats and 40 per cent of Hispanics.

More than six in 10 say abortion should usually be legal, though that includes just a quarter of Americans who think it should be legal under all circumstan­ces.

Overall, 62 per cent of Americans say they disapprove of how Trump is handling the abortion issue.

But the anti-abortion movement is facing challenges. Groups that favour abortion rights, such as Emily’s List, dwarf their antiaborti­on counterpar­ts when it comes to raising campaign cash or spending on lobbying, according to OpenSecret­, a website belonging to the nonpartisa­n Center for Responsive Politics research group.

And traditiona­lly, the president’s party loses seats in the midterm elections, especially when his approval rating is below 50 per cent, according to Gallup. Trump's overall rating has never risen that high.

Madeira, Ohio, resident Ginger Ittenbach isn’t so sure the Trump administra­tion is to be trusted, and that makes her a key “persuadabl­e” voter in the eyes of anti-abortion activists.

She says she is “very much pro-life,” but voted for Clinton.

“There were enough other red flags with Donald Trump just in how he treated women,” Ittenbach, 52, said after talking with the canvassers.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to participan­ts of the annual March for Life event in the Rose Garden of the White House on Friday.
The Associated Press U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to participan­ts of the annual March for Life event in the Rose Garden of the White House on Friday.

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