The Daily Courier

Treat our kids with respect


Dear editor: Re: “Trustee used free speech” by Gertrude Welder (Daily Courier, Jan. 31).

I had a less than perfect time in high school, due to bullying and rejection, so I can relate to and feel compassion for those who suffer because of the difference­s they have from others.

As someone who has faith, I have strong views about many matters, but those views are tempered by compassion for others. I know what it is like to be rejected or hated, therefore I try to treat others very well.

I remember very little guidance in school beyond the teaching of subjects, but I do wish there had been more protection for those, like me, who were bullied.

Having said that, I object to any political interferen­ce with the education of students whether done by politician­s, school boards and trustees or the teachers and unions.

I don't think though that kids are necessaril­y as helpless or vulnerable as Gertrude Welder seems to be suggesting.

I have had people assume that I was of a certain orientatio­n, though I have no idea why they made such assumption­s. Maybe they were just being stupid or ignorant or trying to hurt me?

Sexuality is such a dangerous thing for adults, never mind students or children, yet we don't want them to be completely ignorant either.

Can we trust parents to take care of their children? Perhaps sometimes we cannot, but who will make that judgement call?

Can we trust teachers or unions which may have their own hidden agenda?

Maybe it would be best to just let kids know they can come to us with any questions and treat such questions with the utmost respect?

Patrick Longworth Penticton

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