The Daily Courier

Power of young people


Every generation is critical of the one behind it. But, if there’s any hope for a positive future, look no further than a group of high school students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. We are in good hands. These kids are smart. They’re articulate. They’re gifted in the arts. They make sense. They understand their Constituti­on better than most politician­s.

They’re not hysterical anarchists, even when they’re drawing scorn from gun lovers on social media.

They’ve all lived through the worst moment of their young lives, but rather than hide, or drown in self-pity, they’re taking a stand such as making sure no other school experience­s the horrors they’ve just witnessed.

Alfonso Calderon and Maddy Wilford, both 16, are now household names. Since joining Twitter only a few weeks ago, Emma Gonzalez, 18, has more followers than the NRA.

They even have a sense of humour, suggesting the AR-15s be renamed “The Marco Rubio” (we bet that one sticks.) Their voices are being heard. First Lady Melania Trump said she has been “heartened” to see children nationwide speaking out after the Florida school shooting and trying to effect change.

It’s called the #MeToo movement for guns, but it’s something far greater than that. We are witnessing history, this century’s equivalent of the Selma to Montgomery marches, but with high school kids leading the charge.

Politician­s can be bought, especially in the States. We all know that. It sounds more convincing coming from a group of teenagers.

Chances are these young people all have good parents but, more likely, they also have exceptiona­l teachers — educators who taught them to be creative, to speak in public, to think, and to stand up for their beliefs.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has been thrust into the internatio­nal spotlight. If there are great high school kids in Parkland, there are great kids all across North America and the rest of the world. Parkland’s kids are just the ones who have been put in the spotlight.

The actions of the Parkland students are incredible, an inspiratio­n to people of all ages.

If these kids can’t make a change, nobody ever will.

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