The Daily Courier

Trump shooting self in the foot


Dear editor: True to form, U.S. President Donald Trump has unknowingl­y shot himself in the foot on the hesitation to realistica­lly deal with the current gun lobby.

By protecting his $30-million contributi­on to his campaign by NRA, he has shown that money is much more important than human life.

Hypocrisy at its worst or what? He is advocating that some teachers in schools receive gun training so school gun issues, should they occur, can be better dealt with. He even has gone so far to suggest that these specially trained teachers get rewarded for their participat­ion in such a program. What a sick joke.

Teachers are trained to teach; not be vigilante/ATF members police officers/ FBI assistants. They are there to teach kids, not bear arms to act as a protector for emergency services.

The Donald “waxed eloquently” in a meeting room full of who’s who. He avoided questions relating to the NRA and his associatio­n with it. Just like Christophe­r Robin of nursery story fame, Trump said that his panacea for in-school student protection is to have specially trained teachers who could carry guns to combat any threats such as have happened in the states in recent times.

He suggested that teachers with military training or experience be the gun carriers and that they be rewarded with higher pay. Once again, it seems that Trump has missed the boat as to what a teacher is or should be. His statement brings up some valid points:

1) What if a particular school has no teacher with military experience. Then what?

2) What if no teacher wants to be part of any gun program?

3) By suggesting this internal gun protection, is this the implied meaning of the NRA to Trump?

4) Why would Trump risk annoying the NRA with definitive actions?

The list of questions could go on forever. However, Trump is making no attempt to resolve anything. He doesn’t want to lose NRA support or the donation he got from them. Yet, he announced that he would he would be putting forth a bill to make the legal age to buy certain rifles as 21. There was immediate response from the NRA.

Who knows, with all of this gun talk, Trump may literally “shoot himself in the other foot.” That might be just what he needs.

Ron Barillaro Penticton

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