The Daily Courier

Diamond Mt. solid project


Dear editor: Re: “Dump concerns could block Diamond Mountain project” (Courier, March 16)

As a born-and-raised resident of the Glenmore Valley, I take great exception to the negativity being spread through articles like Ron Seymour’s regarding the possible developmen­t of the Diamond Mountain property in North Glenmore. I would like to clarify some facts, and give a more positive view.

1. Given that many larger properties in the Okanagan Valley are restricted from developmen­t and sale due to agricultur­e land reserve regulation­s, opportunit­ies for families to find more smaller affordable pieces of land to purchase and settle on are becoming more and more rare. For this reason alone, this developmen­t should move ahead, especially given that the property in question isn’t, and never has been in the ALR.

2. It is being suggested that smell from the dump will cloud the proposed Diamond Mountain property developmen­t. I would like to ask a question: How many of the city staff (including Ron Seymour) have actually spent any time on the proposed property? I grew up my entire life on a property directly across from the proposed site, and spent many days on the property throughout the years. The fact is, that due to both its elevation and valley wind patterns, the Diamond Mountain property is not impacted by smell from the dump; its elevation is its own natural “buffer zone” when it comes to smell from the dump. I would encourage city staff and Ron Seymour to seek out the facts, rather than draw conclusion­s from what has become pure speculatio­n and imaginatio­n.

3. The Kelowna city dump has a reputation for being one of the cleanest and well-managed landfills in the entire province. While the city staffers pride themselves in that fact, (which they should), I find it extremely ironic that the landfill has now suddenly become a site to avoid in terms of developing near it.

I strongly suggest that Ron Seymour and city staff think about the future of Kelowna families. The fact is, many families are leaving the valley due to the inability to find smaller affordable lots — if Ron Seymour and certain members of the city staff want to make a stink about something, the future of Kelowna’s families are what they should turn their focus towards.

Rod Tribiger


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