The Daily Courier

Fiddled while Ottawa burns


Dear editor: Much has been made recently of Mr. Trudeau’s ethnic fashion choices. Those of us from the Canadian West humbly submit an alternativ­e style for our prime minister – a Roman toga, perhaps accessoriz­ed with a fiddle.

Confederat­ion is burning, and there appears to be little reaction from our capital city. The anger in Alberta toward B.C. and its anti-Canadian policies has reached Vesuvian levels. I have not seen any recent polls, but I would suggest that Albertan antipathy toward its western neighbour is approachin­g the same level as French Canadian antipathy toward their English counterpar­ts at the height of the Quebec separatist movement.

The questionab­le delay tactics employed by my provincial B.C. government against the TransMount­ain pipeline are welldocume­nted. And now we have the spectre of the mean-spirited and sado-masochisti­c “speculatio­n” tax. Make no mistake — this misnomered tax will not only inflict pain on others outside of B.C. (mostly Albertans), but it will also hurt B.C. businesses and taxpayers.

I grew up in a Canada where provincial borders were a road trip novelty item, something to point out to the kids while traveling across our great country. They were not meant to be barriers.

If a Canadian living in Ontario aspired to a family cottage across the border in Quebec, no problem. If a transplant­ed Maritimer living in B.C. wanted to retain a summer residence back home, go for it. That concept of Canadiana is now severely threatened with the heavy-handed 2 per cent per annum tax proposed by the misguided fiscal alchemists in Victoria. And where is Justin Trudeau, who should be castigatin­g the B.C. government, taking a stand up to protect the cross-border mobility that is a cornerston­e of our country?

We’ve heard words and absolutely no action on the calamity that is the TransMount­ain situation, but not even words from Ottawa with respect to this Canada-busting speculatio­n tax. Mr. Trudeau, please put down the fiddle and get forcefully involved in putting out these flames. Embers are flying on your watch.

Tim Simard

West Kelowna

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