The Daily Courier

Passing money from your window could draw new fine

Kelowna drivers latest target to prevent begging in the streets


Giving change to a panhandler at an intersecti­on will draw a $250 fine under proposed bylaw changes to be considered today by Kelowna city council.

And anyone who gives away bottles or cans near a recycling station could also be fined $250.

The proposed changes, which target both those giving away money and panhandler­s who cadge for change, are said by city officials to be safety measures.

“Panhandlin­g activity has increasing­ly been observed to take place on (medians), at busy intersecti­ons and highway junctions, as well as with cars stopping on the road to hand over bottles to panhandler­s around bottle depots,” reads part of a staff report to council.

“This poses a safety risk to the person panhandlin­g, and to motorists,” the report states.

Council will consider the idea of folding a panhandlin­g bylaw that dates back to 1998 into the Good Neighbour bylaw, which has already superseded ordinances on littering, noise, unsightly premises, and residentia­l nuisances.

The draft regulation­s are an attempt to balance the court-recognized right to beg with the right of citizens not to be unduly put-upon by those who are panhandlin­g.

“The proposed panhandlin­g section of the Good Neighbour bylaw recognizes that panhandlin­g is an allowable activity, but regulates the conditions under which the activity can take place,” the report states. Some of the proposed changes: — reduce the panhandler exclusion zone around banks, ATMs, and liquor stores from 10 metres to five metres

— allow panhandlin­g at the entrance to a movie theatre

— prohibit panhandlin­g at a tax stand

— prohibit panhandlin­g within five metres of someone seated in an outdoor patio

— prohibit panhandler­s from obstructin­g the passage of someone on the street, and prohibit them from walking beside the person they’re asking for money

— prohibit panhandlin­g before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.

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