The Daily Courier

Colonial legacy’s not-so-simple truth


Phrases like colonial legacy and white privilege lead to either knowing nods of agreement or eye rolls and head shakes. Unfortunat­ely, there isn’t much middle ground.

There’s very little critical thinking that goes into examining the context in which those phrases are used. They’re either accepted or dismissed in their entirety, which is sad. Colonial legacy and white privilege are useful lenses through which to assess serious social issues in our world, our country and our community but applying only the lens of race to these issues ignores so many other perspectiv­es, from gender and wealth to religion and geography.

Increasing­ly, policing, education and health care are seeing their profession­s within other contexts, including race, with the goal of improving outcomes. The RCMP has done extensive work, both nationally and locally, to identify and stamp out racism within the membership and embedded within policies. Nationally and locally, large strides have been taken to include First Nations language and culture in the curriculum. Nationally and locally, efforts have been made to understand and improve the health outcomes of Indigenous citizens. These efforts are steps on a journey, rather than quick check marks on a list of accomplish­ments.

Last week, The Prince George Citizen reported on a series of articles in the prestigiou­s U.K. health journal The Lancet investigat­ing the higher rates of chronic disease and infant mortality and the lower life expectancy of Indigenous Canadians when compared to rest of the population.

As Sheona Mitchell-Foster, a Prince George obstetrici­an and gynecologi­st said, there are no easy answers to fix this problem but addressing the colonial legacy and recognizin­g that much of that colonial system remains intact has to be part of the solution.

This kind of talk from a health profession­al is deeply upsetting to white residents who have personal stories about being left for hours in terrible pain in the emergency waiting room while aboriginal people are quickly ushered through. These experience­s are then confirmed with similar anecdotes from others to confirm the belief that First Nations get preferenti­al treatment not only when they show up at emergency but throughout the health care system.

The tragic irony here is Indigenous people have their own experience­s and anecdotes that are exactly the same and exactly the opposite: that white folks get preferenti­al treatment in the emergency ward and throughout the health care system.

There are two side to every story, of course... except when there are three or more. In this case, the emergency room doctors and nurses would argue, based on their own experience­s, that they do not racially discrimina­te patients, even when independen­t data shows they do. Meanwhile, hospital administra­tors would have their own views, likely acknowledg­ing there is a problem but pointing to strategies aimed to make things better.

Multiple sides pointing fingers at each other, all insisting the others don’t understand, don’t know what’s really going on, cherrypick­ing the facts, ignoring reality.

Now imagine the same problem but transferre­d to law enforcemen­t, education and politics. What a mess. No wonder it seems nothing gets done. No wonder no one seems happy with the way things are.

Looking at various social issues through race or any other specific perspectiv­e simultaneo­usly provides insight and muddies the water.

This awareness should humble everyone to not only reject simple solutions but also to reject simple views. As the old saying goes, a firm opinion should be held lightly.

Some have taken this awareness to the absurd extreme that there is no truth or an infinite number of truths, all equally legitimate, but that is a foolish and dangerous perspectiv­e because it allows for the rejection of all inconvenie­nt facts and the creation of a homemade "well, it’s true to me" reality largely divorced from the reality most people would accept.

Scientists, by and large, have a healthy relationsh­ip with facts and truth. Using the scientific method, truths are paradigms, working models that offer deep insights into reality but are always open to improvemen­t. Facts and findings must be both valid (accurate) and reliable (constant over time). The scientific method isn’t perfect, of course, but its demand for a healthy skepticism towards both accepted belief and new informatio­n is helpful.

Colonial legacy and white privilege may seem like new concepts to white audiences but they are fully tested, well-establishe­d sociologic­al concepts that broaden the understand­ing of complex issues and point to possible ways to improve results. That’s not a zerosum game, where better health outcomes for Indigenous people translates into worse service for white folks in the emergency ward and throughout the health care system. First Nations individual­s living longer and healthier lives reduces strain and cost on the health care system, which is good for everyone.

Instead of seeing them as threats to existing, deeply-held worldviews, colonial legacy and white privilege should be approached as interestin­g perspectiv­es on both history and present-day reality.

If you believe in truth, then you have nothing to fear.

Neil Godbout is managing editor of The Prince George Citizen.

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