The Daily Courier

Toastmaste­rs teaches why it pays to listen effectivel­y


Many people know of Toastmaste­rs as an internatio­nal speaking organizati­on that churns out brilliant public speakers, but the less known or less advertised benefit of this organizati­on is the incredible direction and focus on teaching people how to listen.

You can talk and talk for days and get nowhere, but true progress and advancemen­t of communicat­ion comes from affective and active listening.

Think, for instance, of that one person you always see who just loves telling you all about their world: their life, their dog, their car and their troubles. What a bore. Now, think of that one person who you absolutely love talking to and running into even for a few minutes because you always walk away feeling fulfilled, inspired, motivated and satisfied.

The difference, likely, is that the second person is someone who talks with you rather than gabs at you.

When we dialogue with someone who shows a genuine interest in who we are, what we have to say and what we are up to, there is a sense of satisfacti­on and fulfillmen­t because we have the opportunit­y to give and also to receive meaningful content. How do we become better listeners? Just listen more? No, that’s obviously not working. There is a skill and effort required to listen well and to be an active participan­t in an interactio­n and conversati­on with another.

Toastmaste­rs is an incredible starting place to learn the skills necessary to become an excellent listener; skills such as: — detail mapping — probing — attentiven­ess What in the world are these fandangled listening skills?

Detail mapping is being able to hear, remember and organize key points that someone expresses to you that can be used to help understand and relate to their character and their overall viewpoint of the world. Probing is an extension of detail mapping, which helps you to pull out key pieces of informatio­n to propel the conversati­on forward by asking more questions that allow the other person to keep talking and provide fuel to the dialogue fire.

It is always awkward to end up in a conversati­on where things seem to go stale and quiet because no one knows what to say next. Probing is a necessary skill to pull out easy conversati­on and talking points.

Finally, attentiven­ess. In a world of constant distractio­n and instantane­ous responses, remaining attentive to a single conversati­on with a real life human can be, well, challengin­g.

One simple, simple key to focusing is to put your phone away. Sounds simple, right? Not so much.

When I say put your phone away, I don’t mean simply put it in your pocket, so you can’t see it; I mean, put it on silent (not vibrate as that’s still a distractio­n) and put it out of sight and out of reach.

Knowing your schedule, where you need to be next and setting that awareness and time expectatio­n with your conversati­on partner is key to being able to remain present in the conversati­on until the moment that you need to leave.

You can read all about how to be a good listener, but the proof is in the practice. The more you practise, the better you get and the faster you improve.

What better place to be vulnerable in learning a new skill than with a group of people who are supportive and on their own learning pathway to success?

Toastmaste­rs offers many useful and transferab­le tools to its members with listening being foremost one of the most valuable and underrated benefits.

Learn more about Kelowna AM Toastmaste­rs at 5300.toastmaste­, email or call 250-808-3638.

 ??  ?? LeeStolz

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