The Daily Courier

Trudeau pledges money, new law for Trans Mountain


OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is putting taxpayer money where his government’s mouth is, promising to deploy both financial and legislativ­e tools to ensure the disputed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion between Alberta and British Columbia is able to proceed.

At the same time, however, Trudeau — speaking after a rare Sunday meeting with the warring premiers from both provinces — concedes there is more his Liberal government is willing to do to protect the B.C. coastline from a possible oil spill.

Trudeau spoke at the end of a remarkable eight-hour stopover in the national capital, an unschedule­d break from his overseas trip to accommodat­e the last-minute summit with B.C.’s John Horgan, who has staked his government’s survival on opposing the pipeline, and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, whose province’s economic health depends on it.

“The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is of vital strategic interest to Canada,” Trudeau said following the two-hour meeting. “It will be built.”

It has been a week since Kinder Morgan announced it was halting all non-essential spending on the plan to build a second, bigger pipeline parallel to the existing one between Edmonton and Burnaby, B.C. The company gave the Trudeau government until the end of May to reassure its investors the pipeline would be built, despite mounting opposition.

After the meeting, Notley and Trudeau exuded confidence the deadline would be met and the pipeline would proceed. Horgan, however, betrayed no evidence that their confidence had anything to do with him. If anything, the positions of the two NDP premiers appeared all the more entrenched when the meeting was over. Notley said legislatio­n to allow Alberta to cut oil supplies to B.C., sure to send gas prices there soaring, would be introduced in the legislatur­e this week. Horgan said a court challenge testing whether B.C. has the jurisdicti­on to regulate what can and can’t flow through the expansion will proceed before the end of the month.

The chasm between them did not go unacknowle­dged by the prime minister.

“We must recognize that they remain at an impasse, which only the government of Canada has the capacity and the authority to resolve,” he said.

Trudeau said he has instructed Finance Minister Bill Morneau to sit down with Kinder Morgan to find a financial solution that will soothe their investors. He also promised legislatio­n that would reaffirm Ottawa’s authority to press ahead with a developmen­t deemed to be in Canada’s national interest.

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