The Daily Courier

U.S. leaves Iran nuclear accord

Trump says agreement reached in 2015 was ‘defective at its core’


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the landmark nuclear accord with Iran on Tuesday, abruptly restoring harsh sanctions in the most consequent­ial foreign policy action of his presidency. He declared he was making the world safer, but he also deepened his isolation on the world stage and revived doubts about American credibilit­y.

The 2015 agreement, which was negotiated by the Obama administra­tion and included Germany, France and Britain, had lifted most U.S. and internatio­nal economic sanctions against Iran. In exchange, Iran agreed to restrictio­ns on its nuclear program, making it impossible to produce a bomb and establishi­ng rigorous inspection­s.

But Trump, a severe critic of the deal dating back to his presidenti­al campaign, said in a televised address from the White House that it was “defective at its core.”

U.S. allies in Europe had tried to keep him in and lamented his move to abandon it. Iran’s leader ominously warned his country might “start enriching uranium more than before.”

The sanctions seek to punish Iran for its nuclear program by limiting its ability to sell oil or do business overseas, affecting a wide range of Iranian economic sectors and individual­s.

Major companies in the U.S. and Europe could be hurt, too. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that licences held by Boeing and its European competitor Airbus to sell billions of dollars in commercial jetliners to Iran will be revoked. Certain exemptions are to be negotiated, but Mnuchin refused to discuss what products might qualify.

He said the sanctions will sharply curtail sales of oil by Iran, which is currently the world’s fifth largest oil producer. Mnuchin said he didn’t expect oil prices to rise sharply, forecastin­g that other producers will step up production.

Iran’s government must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what’s left with the Europeans. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said he was sending his foreign minister to the remaining countries but warned there was only a short time to negotiate with them.

Laying out his case, Trump contended, “If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen. In just a short period of time, the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapons.”

The administra­tion said it would reimpose sanctions on Iran immediatel­y.

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