The Daily Courier

Trump’s deal or no deal


By now, they could probably paper all the White House walls with copies of agreements Donald Trump has pulled out of or reneged on.

In his 16 months in office, Trump has been more demolition­s expert than builder, blowing up as much as he can of his predecesso­r's legacy.

In withdrawin­g from the Paris climate accord and Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p and in tearing up the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Affordable Care Act, what Trump has built for America is basically a landscape of rubble.

Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal is the latest instance of his unilateral­ism, disdain for experts or evidence, and indifferen­ce to the interests of allies, the credibilit­y of America’s word or, in fact, consequenc­es.

The Iran agreement was signed in 2015 by five powers in addition to the U.S. and Iran. It committed Iran to curtail its nuclear program in return for the lifting of economic sanctions.

The best internatio­nal intelligen­ce says there is no evidence Iran is not living up to its obligation­s.

Susan Rice, national security adviser to former president Barack Obama, wrote in the New York Times that evidence shows Iran has complied with obligation­s to relinquish 97 per cent of its enriched uranium stockpile, dismantle twothirds of its centrifuge­s and its entire plutonium facility, and abide by the most intrusive internatio­nal inspection and monitoring regime in history.

The deal, she said, called for “stringent verificati­on — in perpetuity” and “effectivel­y cut off all potential pathways for Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.”

But this week, Trump has “freed Iran from all those constraint­s,” she wrote.

John Brennan, former head of the CIA, called the president’s announceme­nt “madness.”

Beatrice Fihn, 2017 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, tweeted “THIS IS SO STUPID!”

Still, there is in a way an odd consistenc­y about it.

Trump trades in absolutes, perpetuall­y tilted in his favour. His is a mind that seems bereft of a temperate zone.

In that sense, his view of internatio­nal agreements is at one with his opinion of humankind or employees. Women are either beauty queens, or objects of disdain. Men are either great guys or losers. Staff are either loyal to the point of servility, or treacherou­s and dismissed.

As president, agreements have to be worked utterly to his liking — not merely accomplish­ing incrementa­l goals — or they are “a horrible, onesided deal.”

Compromise, give and take, progress over time — though the underpinni­ngs of most human transactio­ns and evolution - are to this president wholly alien notions.

They are the basics of diplomatic arrangemen­ts that advance the cause of world peace and stability.

The Iran nuclear deal was a compromise, not a means by which the repressive Iranian regime would be suddenly transforme­d into soulmates of the Rotarians of Orange County, Calif.

As Roger Cohen wrote in the Times, “that’s what diplomacy is about: imperfect solutions, arrived at between enemies, that are better than the alternativ­es, the worst of them all being war.”

How many of these agreements Trump has actually read, or truly fathoms, is anyone’s guess. To the president, particular­s hardly matter.

His actions are invariably taken with an eye to his own personal political ends, designed to enhance his America-First, I-don’t-make-idlepromis­es image of himself.

The damage to world security, global climate, internatio­nal order, business confidence, trust in America’s word seems not to trouble his conscience.

But with his walls and withdrawal­s, Trump is all but transformi­ng America’s national symbol from the eagle to the turtle, retreating ever more into its own shell, disengaged, disconnect­ed, oblivious.

And that is more than sad.

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