The Daily Courier

Spring carries eternal energy


In Dr. Bernie Siegel’s book, “365 Prescripti­ons for the Soul,” he has one prescripti­on on the topic of spring. He prefaces the topic with a quotation by Henry David Thoreau who had written, “Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground.”

Then Siegel says, “Spring has an internal energy that is stored within, ready to leap forth, bloom, and blossom. In the spring the death rate goes down as people see the signs of rebirth and new life before them.”

He tells how he had once been captivated to see a skunk cabbage grow through a recently paved area, and “burst forth into the sunlight.” He was so moved that he decided to take his family to the sight, hoping that describing what the skunk cabbage seed had done would be an inspiratio­n for them.

As he writes, “I wanted them to face life’s roadblocks with the wisdom, courage, and determinat­ion of the skunk cabbage seed.” Siegel then asks readers to imagine themselves in the place of the skunk cabbage, covered with pavement. Of course, he realizes that our chances of survival are nil. But for the skunk cabbage seed, its concern is to reach for the light.

Elsewhere in the book, Siegel says that individual­s who have a positive attitude toward life “live longer, healthier lives than pessimists, even when the pessimist’s view of life is more accurate.” He writes, “My friend Karl Menninger said, ‘Attitudes are more important than facts.’”

Then Siegel adds, “That is why what we tell ourselves is extremely significan­t and helps to shape our destiny. If our self-talk gives us hope and a positive outlook, we will live very different lives than if we await trouble and think that bad things always follow the good.”

Reflecting on Siegel’s experience with the skunk cabbage, and hoping that his family members will face life’s problems or roadblocks with determinat­ion, I realized that having determinat­ion is “easier said than done”.

I Googled “determinat­ion.” Under the heading of “Life being hard and overcoming,” the writer said, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time. Determinat­ion is the key to all human success.”

So when we encounter difficult times in our lives, we may need to remember that in our determinat­ion to overcome them, we may need to persist and try again. May it be so for us! Harvie Barker is a Penticton resident and writer of inspiratio­nal messages for The Penticton Herald.

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