The Daily Courier

Complete trust or confidence


Dear editor: After reading both Rod King’s and Frank Martens’ letters to the editor (Okanagan Weekend, July 14; Daily Courier, July 17) regarding their pro-atheism stance, my head was just spinning.

There is so much fodder for discussion in these letters; however, I am only going to comment on a few points.

While King’s definition of faith can be found in the dictionary, the primary definition of faith is “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” As I navigate this life, I have learned that faith isn’t about belief without evidence, but rather faith is a state of trust.

We all trust ourselves to someone or something. Reason is a tool I use to gather the knowledge necessary to decide on which object(s) I will place my trust.

Travis M. Dickinson, PhD (Univ. of Iowa) said it better: “…it is precisely because I have applied reason to the Christian faith that I have given my life to its truth … given the intellectu­al track record of the Christian world view for me on my journey, I have confidence. That is, I have found Christiani­ty eminently reasonable and worthy of venturing my trust.”

In his letter, Martens may not want to give the Judeo-Christian tradition any credit for the golden rule, but he still gave it to a theistic belief system (the ancient Egyptians) who believed in some sort of absolute moral law giver(s) outside of themselves.

Bertram Russel wrote in his article “A Free Man’s Worship” (1903): “Brief and powerless is man’s life; on him and all his race the slow, sure doom falls pitiless and dark. Blind to good and evil, reckless of destructio­n, omnipotent matter rolls on its relentless way…”.

Many decades later Ravi Zacharias (The Real Face of Atheism) responded “that to find their way, atheist must make sense out of a random first cause, denounce as immoral all moral denunciati­on, express meaningful­ly all meaningles­sness, and find security in hopelessne­ss. This is a tall order….”

Don’t believe me? Then read the books “The Dawkins’ Delusion” by William Lane Craig and Ravi Zacharias’s “The Real Face of Atheism” and “Why I Still Believe” by Joe Boot.

Sherry Ure Kaleden

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