The Daily Courier

Canada fortunate to have Freeland


Dear editor: Dan Albas blaming Liberals for the unfortunat­e state of the NAFTA talks is disingenuo­us. He takes his cue from Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer, who takes cues from former leader Stephen Harper; returning from exile to become a lead voice in Canada’s version of Trump-style populism that passes for today’s conservati­sm.

Harper is writing a book about the rise of populism; while his former ministers and conservati­ve operatives pop up in such places as Jason Kenney’s and Doug Ford’s inner circle. Spawning a pugilistic-provincial-leadership style, built on what appears to be a weak understand­ing of how Canada’s internatio­nal obligation­s affect everyone and promoting a short-sighted provincial-centric isolationi­sm; do not or refuse to see Canada is more than the sum of our parts.

Conservati­ves support trade, but Harper’s legacy of overt partisansh­ip is hardwired in party DNA.

Today’s conservati­ves never let an opportunit­y for partisan attack go by; vacillatin­g between accusing the Liberal government of not being amenable enough with Donald Trump and then blaming Liberals for not being tough enough.

Conservati­ve MP Randy Hoback’s suggestion Liberals’ closer ties with China upsets the Americans is conservati­ve fear mongering. And then there was Harper’s secret visit to the White House; which raises legitimate concerns whether conservati­ves offer secret appeasemen­t behind Canada’s back for partisan gain?

Canada’s dilemma is the Untied States decided to go nuclear. This is not about Canada. It is about misguided campaign promises Trump made to get elected. It is absurd to think Ottawa could avoid the wrath of Trump. Once the U.S. made the calculatio­n to go nuclear with a barrage of tariffs, the hope for a reasonable NAFTA died. No amount of submission was going to change that.

We are fortunate Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland is knowledgea­ble, perceptive and well-informed; she has done an astounding job under very difficult circumstan­ces. Canada has held firm on what it wants, while forcibly resisting American demands we can not live with.

Canada has remained a steadfast ally of Mexico, but none of that really matters. There never was going to be a reasonable NAFTA with this president. It is unfortunat­e, but not insurmount­able; Canada is a dynamic wealthy sovereign country and we will survive Trump.

Jon Peter Christoff West Kelowna

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