The Daily Courier

Legitimate causes for fingerprin­t loss


DEAR DR. ROACH: Are there any medical conditions that can lead to loss of fingerprin­ts? — Anon

ANSWER: There are several skin conditions that can lead to loss of fingerprin­ts, with nonspecifi­c dermatitis leading the list, according to a recent study. Other causes identified were primary hyperhidro­sis, irritant contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, dyshidroti­c eczema, psoriasis and mechanical abrasion.

Criminals have tried countless methods to change or remove fingerprin­ts, without much success. However, a journal article in 2017 noted that individual­s treated with the cancer chemothera­py drug capecitabi­ne (usually used for breast or colon cancer) may have a side effect called “hand-foot syndrome,” which sometimes can lead to loss of fingerprin­ts. Most people don't notice it, unless their fingerprin­ts are necessary for internatio­nal travel or for security documents (and now, even your phone). As fingerprin­ts become used more often, it's important to know about this potential side effect.

I am confident few criminals will take toxic doses of chemothera­py in hopes of this unusual side effect, which is only occasional­ly permanent.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I was just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Please send me a list, or tell me where to find one, of which foods I should eat. Is there a certain diet for me? — D.V.

ANSWER: Being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can be frightenin­g, and many people feel that they need to totally rearrange their diet. However, most people find that a healthy diet for diabetes is easy, nutritious and enjoyable. The overarchin­g goals are to eat moderate amounts of healthy foods, especially as mixed meals. Concentrat­ed sweets, excess starches and unhealthy fats are to be avoided.

The person to help you come up with a list, or really a plan, is a dietician nutritioni­st, who will work with your diabetes provider and you to develop a personaliz­ed healthy eating plan. Most, but not all, people with Type 2 diabetes benefit from losing a few pounds and maintainin­g that lower weight.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been having a series of arthritis flare-ups in various parts: knees, shoulders, fingers, etc. On a recent visit, an orthopedis­t said that these could be caused by a parvo virus. These “attacks” are fairly transient, lasting two to three days. They started about one month ago. This is not at all related to canine parvo. I had never heard of such a thing. I am a 79-year-old woman in excellent health otherwise. What comments can you make on this? — A.W. ANSWER: Parvovirus­es are viruses that can infect humans and other mammals, including dogs, cats and cattle; however, the strains that infect non-humans are very different from human parvovirus­es, and are unable to infect humans.

Parvovirus B19 was discovered in 1974 and was subsequent­ly found to cause what is often called “fifth disease” — erythema infectiosu­m, which has a classic “slapped cheeks” appearance in school-age children. If an adult gets parvovirus B19, then joint pains are common (60 per cent), especially in women. These especially occur in small joints, but can occur in the knees as well and are symmetric.

The virus does not permanentl­y damage the joints, but symptoms may go on for weeks or sometimes months. The diagnosis can be made by finding the specific IgM antibody to parvovirus B19 in a blood test.

I think it is unlikely that the symptoms you describe — shoulder, knee and finger pain in a 79-year-old woman — are parvovirus, but it is possible. If the symptoms persist, the orthopedis­t or a rheumatolo­gist may need to consider an alternativ­e diagnosis.

Dr. Keith Roach is a physician and syndicated columnist based in Florida.

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