The Daily Courier

Who to mark an X beside


Dear Editor: If I vote in the municipal election, my X will be by the name of the councillor who impressed me during the past term.

I judge council by their response to what is important to me during their term in office, not by what is said at all-candidates’ meetings. Unless something of a criminal nature comes to light during all-candidates meetings, what is said during an election campaign is for people who have not paid attention to what their council has been doing while in office.

All-candidates meetings should be replaced by all-new-candidates meetings. These are people the public has not seen in action before, so meeting them can help voters decide whether to trust them with their vote.

If I don’t vote in the municipal election, it will be because of overwhelmi­ng grief for animals in intensive livestock operations, also known as factory farms.

Some 3.4 million “food” animals were left to drown in North Carolina following the passage of Hurricane Florence. YouTube videos showing hundreds of sheds in flooded fields containing the bodies of incarcerat­ed animals are not newsworthy for mainstream media. The animals whose bodies continuall­y replenish meat counters were just “live inventory”, like any inanimate object. Sentient animals reduced to “Inventory”, are not deserving of media coverage.

Give us this day our daily meat, no matter the misery of the life form it once was. Whatever candidates have to say seems utterly trivial by comparison. With some exceptions, we humans are an inhumane selfish species. Helen Schiele Kelowna

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