The Daily Courier

GOP looks happier about Kavanaugh

Judiciary Committee chairman says he expects Supreme Court nominee to be confirmed in Senate roll call Saturday, following receipt of FBI report

- By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A high-stakes partisan row broke out Thursday over a confidenti­al FBI report about allegation­s that Brett Kavanaugh sexually abused women three decades ago, with Republican­s claiming investigat­ors found “no hint of misconduct” but Democrats accusing the White House of slapping crippling constraint­s on the probe.

At the same time, Republican leaders seemed to show increasing confidence. Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa said he now expects the Supreme Court nominee to be confirmed in a Senate roll call on Saturday.

In a hardening of battle lines, one of two vacillatin­g Democrats — North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp — said she’d oppose the Supreme Court nominee. Heitkamp, facing a tough re-election fight next month, said she was concerned about his past conduct and felt that his angry attacks on Democrats during last week’s Judiciary Committee hearing raised questions about his “current temperamen­t, honesty and impartiali­ty.”

However, in a potential sign of momentum for Kavanaugh, Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., told CNN that “we’ve seen no additional corroborat­ing informatio­n” for the accusation­s and that the investigat­ion had been comprehens­ive. Flake, who’s not stated his position on the nomination, was among three Republican­s who had pressed President Donald Trump to order the renewed FBI background check.

Another GOP lawmaker who has publicly taken no stance, Susan Collins of Maine, also called the probe “a very thorough investigat­ion” and said she’d read the documents later. Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski said she’d read the report.

Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia also has not declared how he’ll vote.

The battling commenced as the conservati­ve jurist’s prospects for winning Senate confirmati­on remained at the mercy of five undeclared senators, including the three Republican­s, with an initial, critical vote looming today. It followed the FBI’s earlymorni­ng release of its investigat­ion.

“There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know,” Grassley declared. He said he based his view on a briefing from committee aides and added, “This investigat­ion found no hint of misconduct.”

Other Republican­s who’d already voiced support for Kavanaugh echoed Grassley, saying after a briefing that there’d been no corroborat­ion of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh. Said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., “The senators who requested the supplement­al background check got what they requested, and I am ready to vote.”

Top Democrats fired back at Grassley after getting their own briefing.

The Judiciary panel’s top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein of California, said it appeared that the White House had “blocked the FBI from doing its job.” She said that while Democrats had agreed to limit the probe’s scope, “we did not agree that the White House should tie the FBI’s hands.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has already started a process that will produce a crucial test vote in his polarized chamber today on Kavanaugh’s fate. Should Republican­s get the majority of votes they need — and Vice-President Mike Pence is available to cast the tie-breaker, if necessary — that would set up a decisive roll call on his confirmati­on, likely over the weekend.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? Protesters against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh gather Thursday in the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington.
The Associated Press Protesters against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh gather Thursday in the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington.
 ??  ?? Kavanaugh

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