The Daily Courier

Trump on rally blitz to stave off Democrats


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump gazes out over his rally crowd and looses a stream of insults with a theatrical flourish and playful grin. He jabs at Cory Booker the “disaster” mayor, Elizabeth Warren the “Pocahontas” pretender and “sleepy” Joe Biden.

“I want to be careful,” Trump tells the crowd, feigning a confession. He doesn’t want to hit his potential challenger­s too badly, he says, because then the Democrats may find “somebody that’s actually good to run against me. That would not be good.”

The venue may be Council Bluffs, Iowa, or Erie, Pennsylvan­ia, or Topeka, Kansas, but the formula is largely the same.

Start with a few derisive nicknames, mix in some dreamy-eyed reminiscen­ces of Election Night 2016, spice things up with an unexpected quip or zinger out of left field and you’ve got Trump’s recipe for a successful campaign rally.

Trump’s rallies once were the cornerston­e of an unconventi­onal, star-powered presidenti­al campaign that eschewed traditiona­l organizing and defied every expectatio­n. Now they’re being deployed with gusto as Trump and his team work franticall­y to defy polls and precedent and save his Republican majority in Congress in November’s midterm elections.

The rallies — more than two dozen so far to boost GOP candidates — never fail to delight Trump’s supporters.

“Look at this,” says Brenda McDonald, 58, of Woodbury, Minnesota, gesturing to the thousands of people standing ahead of and behind her in a line that wound around buildings and snaked through alleys for at least a mile when Trump’s rally tour stopped in her state on Oct. 4.

“Have you ever seen rallies like this before?” she asked.

Trump has been aggressive­ly campaignin­g across the county to try to boost vulnerable Republican­s before the Nov. 6 elections, when the stakes couldn’t be higher. A Democratic takeover of Congress would stymie his agenda and mire his administra­tion in endless investigat­ions, including possible impeachmen­t proceeding­s. Trump’s team believes his appearance­s fire up his loyal base, countering the wave of Democratic enthusiasm that polls suggest will lead to significan­t Democratic gains, especially in the House.

But after more than 350 rallies since he first began his presidenti­al run, some things have changed.

Trump’s supporters remain as enthusiast­ic as ever, standing for hours in hot sun or driving rain and exploding into thundering applause when he takes the stage. They wave the same signs, wear the same hats, and chant the same “Build that wall!” and “Lock her up!” refrains that they did during the early days of Trump’s campaign.

But the once insurgent candidate, who told his supporters the system was rigged against them, is now president. And he’s been delivering on many of his campaign promises, in spite of lacklustre approval ratings.

Trump’s 2016 rallies had the feel of angry, raucous, grievance sessions, as Trump’s “deplorable­s” gathered in the face of charges they were racist, bigoted and could never win. Gone now is the darkness, the crackling energy, the fear of potential violence as supporters and protesters faced off, sometimes trading blows. The mood now is calmer, happier, more celebrator­y. Trump’s rallies have gone mainstream, complete with a new playlist featuring Rihanna, “Macho Man” by the Village People and Prince’s “Purple Rain.”

Trump’s campaign, which was notably stingy during his own election effort, has been investing heavily in his recent tour, covering all the costs of organizing and paying for the rallies, including footing the Air Force One bills, according to the campaign.

“Of course, President Trump’s favourite way to connect with and charge up voters is with rallies hosted by the Trump Campaign,” the campaign said in a statement.

And they believe the money is well spent.

Trump’s events often dominate local news for days. Trump’s rally in Johnson City, Tennessee, for instance, earned more than $270,000 worth of local television coverage that night and the morning after, according to data compiled by the media tracking company TVEyes and shared by GOP officials.

That’s not counting front-page stories in local papers and coverage when the rally was announced.

The Republican Party has been sending cameras to the rallies, so they can quickly post footage that can be spliced into ads.

Officials say they’ve tracked notable polling bumps they attribute to Trump’s visits.

But while the rallies are about boosting GOP candidates, they’re also always about Trump, who has been using them to test-drive messaging for his 2020 campaign.

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