The Daily Courier

Became little, gooey and slimy


Dear editor: Re: “Paradise lost: again and again”, by Jim Taylor (Okanagan Weekend, Nov. 17).

Taylor refers to the story of the Garden of Eden as “fictional.” He continues: “From that first cell evolved every form of life today: plants fungi fish reptiles insects birds mammals and us humans.” Right! Author Frank Peretti mocked how Darwinists teach biology in his talk (The Chair). View on Youtube.

From Part 2: “Kids, welcome to Biology 101. We’re gonna learn lots of fun things in this class... we’re gonna cut up frogs, and we’re gonna pick flowers, …but the first thing you need to know, boys and girls, above all else, is that ‘You are an accident!.’ You have absolutely no reason for being here. There is no meaning, no purpose to your life. You’re nothing but a meaningles­s conglomera­tion of molecules that came together purely by chance billions and billions of years ago. All the dust and the gas and the galaxy floated around for who knows how long, and they bumped into each other and they said, ‘I know. Let’s be organic!’

So they became organic. And they became little, little gooey, slimy things, you know, swimming around in the primordial soup, and they finally grew little feet, and they crawled up on the land, and they grew fur and feathers and became higher forms of life, and finally became, you know, a monkey, then the monkey developed into an ape, then the ape decided to shave, so he shaved, and became what you are today.

It’s, you know, from goo to you by way of the zoo! As such we really don’t have any reason for being here. Your existence is pointless. The universe won’t mind a bit when you die. And when you die, you just become so much compost (Ring!) Oh, OK, class dismissed.

Head on down the hall now, kids, down to that new class we’re starting this week on self-esteem!”

Evolutiona­ry biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky said: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”

Author Jonathan Wells’ replied: “A true scientist would say that nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evidence.”

Phillip Johnson (Darwin On Trial): “The first step for a 21st century science of origins is to separate materialis­t philosophy from empirical science.”

View on Youtube the famous debate, Darwinism: Science or Philosophy?, between Johnson and William B. Provine.

Finally, Google the website Creation-Evolution Headlines. David Buckna Kelowna

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