The Daily Courier

Ticket tax rising to $20


Passengers will pay more to fly out of Kelowna’s airport next year, and another increase is planned for 2020.

City council on Monday approved an increase in the ticket tax, from $15 to $20 next April, with another hike to $25 likely in 2020.

The extra money is needed to help fund a $183-million program of upgrades and expansions planned for YLW over the next decade, council heard.

Big-ticket items include a doubling in size of the departure lounge, additional pre-board screening facilities, more food and beverage outlets, runway repaving, more airport vehicles and more passenger loading bridges.

“It’s a very exciting time for our city and our airport,” Mayor Colin Basran said.

“Obviously, massive numbers, but success breeds success,” said Coun. Brad Sieben.

Even with the planned increases in the ticket tax, it would still be comparable to the fee charged at similar-sized Canadian airports, YLW finance officer Shane Dyrdal told council.

For example, she said, Victoria’s airport improvemen­t fee is currently $15, and it’s $35 at the airport in Quebec City.

Vancouver’s airport has a two-tiered airport improvemen­t fee. On flights within B.C., the ticket tax is $5, but it’s $20 for flights headed outside the province.

Kelowna’s councillor­s were full of praise for YLW.

“It’s a fantastic airport and we clearly want it to be leading edge as it serves this whole region so effectivel­y,” said Coun. Luke Stack.

“I love that we’ve had 38 per cent (passenger) growth” in the past five years, said Coun. Loyal Wooldridge.

Airport managers originally considered a 10-year spending plan of more than $300 million but scaled it back to $183 million, council heard.

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