The Daily Courier



— In 1781, Canada’s first Christmas tree was erected in Sorel, north of Montreal, by Baron Friedrich von Riedesel.

— In 1814, the War of 1812 officially ended as the United States and Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent in Belgium. Because of a military stalemate, it was agreed to restore prewar boundaries. However, because of the slowness of communicat­ions at that time, both countries fought the “Battle of New Orleans” the following month.

— In 1879, the temperatur­e in Winnipeg dropped to a record -47.8 degrees.

— In 1919, American tycoon John D. Rockefelle­r gave away $100-million — the largest single philanthro­pic gift to that day. Half of the money was for salary increases for U.S. teachers.

— In 1948, Canada officially recognized Israel. — In 1951, Libya became the first country created by the United Nations.

— In 1964, the Queen gave the final approval for Canada’s Maple Leaf flag. Parliament had approved the new design on Dec. 18th to replace the Red Ensign and Union Jack.

— In 1968, the Apollo 8 astronauts read passages from the Old Testament Book of Genesis as part of a Christmas Eve television broadcast to Earth while orbiting the moon.

— In 1975, Pope Paul VI pulled shut a bronze door ending the Holy Year. The door remained closed until the next Holy Year in 2000. The tradition of the Holy, or Jubilee Year, dates back to the Old Testament, when it was designated as a year of favour from God. In modern times it has been used to celebrate significan­t anniversar­ies.

— In 1985, Italy’s Mount Etna erupted, sending four rivers of lava down the volcano’s side.

— In 1988, following a bitter two-week debate, the House of Commons approved the Canada-U.S. free trade deal.The vote on final reading —- at 1:48 a.m. Eastern time — was 141-to-111.

— In 1989, Panama’s deposed dictator Manuel Noriega took refuge at the Vatican Embassy in Panama City after eluding U.S. troops for four days. — In 1999, Calgary recorded a record temperatur­e of 17.6 degrees.

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