The Daily Courier

Dress codes still belong in schools


Part of an education is learning what is appropriat­e and what is not as you make your way in the world, and that includes how to dress. There is still a place for dress codes in schools.

But those codes should be fair, sensible and as genderneut­ral as possible, which has not always been the case.

Dress codes have come under fire throughout North America as being unfair and discrimina­tory, especially toward female students.

Great Victoria school board trustee Jordan Watters says dress codes that prohibit “distractin­g” clothing, for example, send the wrong message about who is responsibl­e for inappropri­ate behaviour.

As long as there have been school dress codes, students have rebelled against them. In the past, school officials got away with being authoritar­ian and heavy-handed. Students, and often their parents, are not so compliant these days, not so quick to be unquestion­ingly obedient.

The 1960s and 1970s brought confrontat­ions over miniskirts and male students growing their hair long. Each new generation, it seems, has standards of grooming and attire that collide with tradition. Each older generation looks in alarm at how “kids these days” are dressing, or not dressing, as the case may be.

And, let’s face it, some of those dress codes were downright unfair. Older generation­s remember when girls were not allowed to wear jeans or slacks to school, even in the bitter winter weather of colder climates.

Girls got the brunt of edicts against dressing provocativ­ely, on the grounds that doing so is distractin­g to male students. It has more than a whiff of the double standard that blames women for inappropri­ate sexual behaviour on the part of males.

Let’s be clear: Female attire, no matter what it is, is never an excuse for male misbehavio­ur. Neverthele­ss, it is naive to think that how girls dress does not distract boys. Males react to females — it’s basic biology. That does not give males licence to harass females or otherwise behave inappropri­ately. Raging hormones do not justify setting aside self-control and accepted social conduct.

But teenagers are works in progress. Their emotional and physical developmen­t are not complete. They tend to do foolish things. Just as schools try to teach mathematic­s, grammar and other academic skills, they should also try to instil certain life skills that will enable students to function more successful­ly as adults.

One of those skills is dressing for the occasion. In the adult world, there are appropriat­e codes of dress for different circumstan­ces. Schools should be no different.

But dress codes should be drafted and administer­ed sensitivel­y and with as light a touch as possible. If a school’s dress code is drawn up in consultati­on with students, it is more likely to be in tune with the times, and there’s more likely to be buy-in. Enforcemen­t should not be done through public humiliatio­n, as has happened too often to students who violate a dress code.

Such a code should not target a specific gender.

A dress code should focus less on making students conform to a certain standard and more on preparing them for the real world.

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