The Daily Courier

Poor job by crews clearing the snow


Dear Editor:

It has been days since our massive dump and I don’t see any plows or salt trucks, just old people and people with disabiliti­es like myself falling all over the crosswalks in front of vehicles about to pull out.

Today alone, I fell in front of three vehicles. Is it going to take a lawsuit before the city finally cleans the roads and sidewalks properly? Watching city buses, school buses and ambulance slip and slide and ambulances slip and slide around the city isn’t a comforting feeling either.

As it stands, I can’t work for the next week or so and may have a concussion.

I would be interested to know if Kelowna has union rules barring others from getting contracts from those sidewalks. Do the city crews, when they do work, collect double time?

Meanwhile, there are tons of people at temp agencies that could have cleared the snow immediatel­y and saved the slip and falls. Hell, there’s tons of people we just housed in temporary shelter that could have that could have too.

West Kelowna, why do you not get after the plow company and Ministry of Transporta­tion? That hill just past Swiss Chalet is an issue every year and yet nothing is done, never mind Bridge Hill, the hill into/out of Westbank and the whole of the Westside. It’s an embarrassm­ent and you should be ashamed that you are the entry of the Okanagan and that’s what we are introduced to.

What are you guys even doing? I see trucks with blades up and tanks off. I see you guys stuck left right and centre. Chain up! Blades down, sand the hell outta the road and let’s get the roads walkable and drivable again.

This is the worst I’ve seen these roads in 20 years. Everyone needs to smarten up before someone dies or is seriously injured and I don’t want that to be me, my toddler or my pregnant wife. Bryan Phillips Kelowna

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