The Daily Courier

Fluids refilling in a sensitive area

- — R.H. KEITH ROACH Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@ or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, Fla., U.S.A., 32803.


Three weeks ago, I had to have removal of fluid that had collected around my testicles. Nearly half a litre was removed. Five days later, fluid started to build up again, and now it has filled back up. I have been checked for cancer and infection, and have neither. What is happening? What can be done now?


It sounds like you have a large hydrocele, a collection of fluid around the testicle, surroundin­g the testis and spermatic cord. Normally these are small, but in some men they can become very large, holding up to several litres, but I have never seen one that's even as large as you are describing.

These are treated by urologists. I am not sure what your urologist did to drain the fluid. A simple drainage procedure is often complicate­d by recurrence of the fluid, and perhaps that is what happened. The standard surgical approach is to surgically remove the entire sac of the hydrocele.

An evaluation for testicular cancer is absolutely indicated. Ultrasound is usually the appropriat­e test. Infection in this area is uncommon, potentiall­y very dangerous and not subtle.

You need to get back to your urologist to ensure the correct diagnosis and possibly schedule definitive surgery.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-old male. I had my mitral valve replaced almost nine years ago with bovine tissue. While waiting for my surgery, I had an episode of atrial fibrillati­on, which was corrected with amiodarone. I continued the drug for three years until a new cardiologi­st took me off it.

A year and half ago, I went into A-fib again and got electrical cardiovers­ion. It returned a month later and the process was repeated. At that time, I went back on 200 mg of amiodarone a day, and have been fine for over a year now. I was put on warfarin and then Eliquis to prevent clots.

I asked my doctor why I need blood thinners if my heart is in sinus rhythm, and she said it is because I could have A-fib episodes without outward symptoms. Aside from cost ($100 a month), my main complaint is this: I also have back and knee problems, and NSAIDs, which I cannot take on the blood thinner, offer the best relief. Acetaminop­hen is useless, and even tramadol isn't as effective.


Atrial fibrillati­on is an abnormal heart rhythm that dramatical­ly raises the risk of blood clot and stroke. Most people with atrial fibrillati­on need treatment to reduce the likelihood of stroke. Whether and when to stop anticoagul­ation after the atrial fibrillati­on is resolved is an unanswered question.

If your doctor were 100% sure you haven’t gone back into atrial fibrillati­on in the past year, then it would be appropriat­e to stop the Eliquis anticoagul­ation, since there is a small increased risk of abnormal bleeding on Eliquis or any other anticoagul­ant. That risk is increased with chronic use of an NSAID, such as ibuprofen. However, you have been in A-fib three times now, and many cardiologi­sts feel the risk of stroke if you go back into A-fib is greater than the bleeding risk of continuing the Eliquis, and I suspect that's why she made her recommenda­tion.

She could decide to use a heart monitor to examine your heart rhythm for a period of time. At least 48 hours is the norm, but the longer you are tested, the more certain the results. One smartwatch has a feature to look for atrial fibrillati­on, and a recent study suggested that it is pretty accurate. If you have no episodes of atrial fibrillati­on, the medicine could be stopped. However, there is still a small risk of stroke due to unrecogniz­ed atrial fibrillati­on.

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