The Daily Courier

Research shows risks associated with cannabis exposure during pregnancy


Research from three Ontario universiti­es sheds new light on the risks associated with cannabis use during pregnancy, finding the psychoacti­ve component of the drug restricts oxygen and nutrients from crossing through the placenta.

The study from researcher­s at Queen’s, Western and McMaster universiti­es, published in the journal Scientific Reports on Friday, found exposure to low doses of THC — equivalent to a daily joint — led to lower birth weights and organ sizes in rats.

“With legalizati­on of cannabis in Canada, there’s a lot of misinforma­tion out there about whether it’s safe for use in pregnancy. The reality is that (people think) because cannabis is legal it therefore must be safe, which is not necessaril­y true,” said Daniel Hardy of Western University in London, Ont., one of the study’s co-authors.

Health Canada has long warned against cannabis use during pregnancy, also noting its effects on brain developmen­t and birth weight. But the reasoning behind those negative effects — and a definitive link to THC — were not understood until now, the researcher­s said.

Hardy noted that some American studies suggest as many as one in five pregnant women are using cannabis to treat things such as anxiety and nausea, believing that because it’s natural, it must be safe.

But he said the new research adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting otherwise, at least when it comes to use during pregnancy.

The researcher­s found that rats exposed to THC daily gave birth to babies that were eight per cent smaller than usual. Their brains and livers were more than 20% smaller than what’s expected.

Hardy is now studying how the baby rats’ low birth weight affects them going forward.

“Three weeks later for a rat, they do catch up. They catch up in the brain and the liver,” he said. “That may sound good, however larger studies would suggest that this post-natal rapid catch-up growth is actually detrimenta­l long term with respect to brain and metabolic health.”

The researcher­s noted that there have been other studies suggesting cannabis use during pregnancy leads to low birth weight, but those studies were on humans and may have been complicate­d by other factors.

“There hasn’t really been a study that looks at the different components of cannabis throughout gestation,” said David Natale of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., another of the study’s co-authors.

The data in human studies is also affected by other factors, such as socioecono­mic status and other drug or cigarette use, all of which can affect birth weight, he said.

Studying rats allowed researcher­s to look at how the THC was affecting the fetuses, rather than just finding a correlatio­n. The animal study also allowed researcher­s to examine THC specifical­ly, rather than other components of cannabis such as CBD.

The researcher­s injected the pregnant rats with a small amount of THC every day, starting when the embryo was implanted.

They also studied the effect of THC on human placental cells, finding that it impeded their ability to transport glucose — a vital nutrient for growing fetuses.

“Going forward, we really want to try to figure out if it’s different times during pregnancy, or if it’s throughout pregnancy,” Natale said.

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