The Daily Courier

Trump assembles a made-for-TV impeachmen­t defence team

- By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has assembled a made-for-TV legal team for his Senate trial that includes household names like Ken Starr, the prosecutor whose investigat­ion two decades ago resulted in the impeachmen­t of Bill Clinton. Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said he will deliver constituti­onal arguments meant to shield Trump from allegation­s that he abused his power.

The additions Friday bring experience in the politics of impeachmen­t as well as constituti­onal law to the team, which faced a busy weekend of deadlines for legal briefs before opening arguments begin Tuesday even as more evidence rolled in.

The two new Trump attorneys are already nationally known both for their involvemen­t in some of the more consequent­ial legal dramas of recent American history and for their regular appearance­s on Fox News, the president’s preferred television network.

Dershowitz is a constituti­onal expert whose expansive views of presidenti­al powers echo those of Trump. Starr is a veteran of partisan battles in Washington, having led the investigat­ion into Clinton’s affair with a White House intern that brought about the president’s impeachmen­t by the House. Clinton was acquitted at his Senate trial, the same outcome Trump is expecting from the Republican-led chamber.

Still, the lead roles for Trump’s defence will be played by White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and Trump personal lawyer Jay Sekulow, who also represente­d Trump during special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigat­ion.

The Democrats released more documents late Friday from Lev Parnas, an indicted associate of Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, with photos, text and audio, as they make their case against the president over his actions toward Ukraine.

There are some signs of tension involving the president’s outside legal team and lawyers within the White House.

Some White House officials bristled that the announceme­nt was not co-ordinated with them. The White House waited until late Friday night to confirm the full roster of the president’s lawyers.

Hours after Dershowitz announced his involvemen­t with the team in a series of tweets Friday, he played down his role by saying he would be present for only an hour or so to make constituti­onal arguments.

“I’m not a full-fledged member of the defence team,” he told “The Dan Abrams Show” on SiriusXM. He has long been a critic of “the overuse of impeachmen­t,” he said, and would have made the same case for President Hillary Clinton.

A legal brief laying out the contours of the Trump defence, due at noon Monday, was still being drafted, with White House attorneys and the outside legal team grappling over how political the document should be. Those inside the administra­tion have echoed warnings from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that the pleadings must be sensitive to the Senate’s more staid traditions and leave the sharper rhetoric to Twitter and cable news.

White House lawyers were successful in keeping Trump from adding House Republican­s to the team, but they also advised him against tapping Dershowitz, according to two people who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal discussion­s. They’re concerned because of the professor’s associatio­n with Jeffrey Epstein, the millionair­e who killed himself in jail last summer while awaiting trial on sex traffickin­g charges.

A Fox News host said on the air that Starr would be parting ways with the network as a result of his role on the legal team.

Other members of Trump’s legal defence include Pam Bondi, the former Florida attorney general; Jane Raskin, who was part of the president’s legal team during Mueller’s investigat­ion; Robert Ray, who was part of the Whitewater investigat­ion of the Clintons; and Eric D. Herschmann of the Kasowitz Benson Torres legal firm, which has represente­d Trump in numerous cases over the last 15 years.

Giuliani told The Associated Press that the president has assembled a “top-notch” defence team and he was not disappoint­ed not to be included.

Giuliani, who many in the White House blame for leading Trump down the path to impeachmen­t by fueling Ukraine conspiraci­es, had previously expressed interest in being on the legal team. But he said Friday his focus would be on being a potential witness, though there is no certainty that he would be called.

“I will be getting ready to testify,” he said.

Trump was impeached by the House last month on charges of abuse of power and obstructin­g Congress, stemming from his pressure on Ukraine to investigat­e Democratic rivals as he was withholdin­g security aid, and his efforts to block the ensuing congressio­nal probe.

Senators were sworn in as jurors Thursday by Chief Justice John Roberts.

The president insists he did nothing wrong, and he complains about his treatment daily, sometimes distractin­g from unrelated events. On Friday, as Trump welcomed the championsh­ip Louisiana State University football team to the Oval Office for photos, he said the space had seen “a lot of presidents, some good, some not so good. But you got a good one now, even though they’re trying to impeach the son of a bitch. Can you believe that?”

While the president speaks dismissive­ly of the case, new revelation­s are mounting about his actions toward Ukraine.

The Government Accountabi­lity

Office said Thursday that the White House violated federal law in withholdin­g the security assistance to Ukraine, which shares a border with hostile Russia.

Democrats deep into their own preparatio­ns released more informatio­n from the trove Parnas has turned over to prosecutor­s linking the president to the shadow foreign policy being run by Giuliani.

Friday’s release included multiple photos of the Soviet-born Florida businessma­n, including several with Giuliani and some with Trump and Trump’s son, Don Jr.

It also included messages between Parnas and a staff member for Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., a Trump ally.

The GAO report and Parnas documents have applied fresh pressure to senators to call more witnesses for the trial, a main source of contention that is still to be resolved. The White House has instructed officials not to comply with subpoenas from Congress requesting witnesses or other informatio­n.

Views on it all are decidedly mixed in the Senate, reflective of the nation at the start of this election year.

“I’ll be honest, a lot of us do see it as a political exercise,” Republican Joni Ernst of Iowa told reporters on a conference call. “The whole process has really been odd or unusual or bizarre.”

Others spoke of the seriousnes­s of the moment.

“Totally sombre,” tweeted Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticu­t. He sits next to Elizabeth Warren, one of four senators running for the Democratic nomination to challenge Trump in the fall, and said they agreed their “overwhelmi­ng emotion was sadness.”

All said they will be listening closely to all arguments.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? Lev Parnas, right, with President Donald Trump in Florida. Parnas, a close associate of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is claiming Trump was directly involved in the effort to pressure Ukraine to investigat­e Democratic rival Joe Biden.
The Associated Press Lev Parnas, right, with President Donald Trump in Florida. Parnas, a close associate of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is claiming Trump was directly involved in the effort to pressure Ukraine to investigat­e Democratic rival Joe Biden.

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