The Daily Courier

Politician­s must address concerns

- Dear Editor: Ian Royce Sisett Kelowna Globe and Mail,

Open letter to our premier, our area

MLAs and our Kelowna-area mayors. Please explain yourselves.

1. According to the we have seven or eight ICU ventilator units per 100,000 population, theoretica­lly available to help address critically ill COVID-19 patients. According to Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. has 35-45 such units per 100,000 population. The Americans are freaking out! Shouldn’t we?

2. What is the plan to increase our “surge capacity” for COVID-19? Is it only social distancing hoping that we can “flatten the curve” enough? Or, do you plan to secure more ventilator­s? If so, what are your targets? Is it reasonable to ask that you double triple or quadruple our “surge” capacity?

3. Why are we not putting in place a drivethrou­gh testing infrastruc­ture that was so successful in Korea and is regarded as the most effective model for testing especially testing our seniors? Why are we not doing this now while we are still ahead of the curve?

B.C. has proportion­ally more citizens at high risk from COVID-19 than other provinces. Kelowna may be even higher. Why is our preparedne­ss at the bottom? Why are we testing about half the number of cases than Alberta?

4. When are you going to be more transparen­t on your planning goals? Are you planning for the best outcomes or the worst outcomes? Are you assuming that social distancing will do it all?

5. When do you plan to publish triage guidelines for the medical community? Which critically-ill COVID-19 patients will have access to ventilator­s; which patients will be left on their own to die? Will we follow the example of Italy?

Please come clean. Please be transparen­t. We all need to know! Please don’t blame high cost. We have a budgetary surplus. Please don’t try to blame others. There will be plenty of time to apportion blame for a disaster or credit for success before the next election. that milk.

For example, the protein in cheese and dairy is casein, which requires rennin in order to successful­ly digest it, and adult humans do not have sufficient rennin, so digestion is incomplete and instead of amino acids as the end product, short chained polypeptid­es end up in the blood stream. These have been associated with allergic reactions as the body creates antibodies against the amino acids sequences. Many sclerotic diseases, as well as allergic asthmas, bronchial and ear infections. are associated with this protein as well as Type 1 Diabetes.

The body produces all the cholestero­l it needs, and is used for bile production, for Vit D absorption, etc .When we take in animal cholestero­l, we get things like strokes and heart attacks.

Cheese has fat and cholestero­l, no fiber, no enzymes,no phyto nutrients, no minerals.

Dairy products in general will have the same negative effects as cheese. Plus, after weaning, we lack the enzyme lactase for digestion, so many people are lactose intolerant.

For more informatio­n of a plant-based diet, read “How Not to Die,” by Dr. Michael Gerger (Nutrition

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