The Daily Courier

Oliver Museum staff feeling the love


New projects are underway at the Oliver & District Heritage Society thanks to a $17,000 grant from the federal government’s COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund for museums and heritage organizati­ons.

The funding will help make up shortfalls in 2020 revenue as well as giving ODHS the ability to complete projects above and beyond its regular budget.

Specifical­ly, it will allow the society to employ local contractor­s for maintenanc­e work, extend a student contract to continue artifact cataloguin­g, and replace a number of peeling text panels in the Fairview Jail.

“This is all much-needed funding,” executive director Julianna Weisgarber said. “Like other organizati­ons, the pandemic has impacted the kind of work our staff and volunteers normally do on behalf of the community’s history.”

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