The Daily Courier

Don’t excuse politician­s’ bad COVID behaviour



Re: Nearly half of us broke bubbles, The Daily Courier, Wednesday, Jan. 6:

Why do you insist on confusing your readers by putting in red type “it wasn’t just politician­s.” Why minimize the gravity of their recent actions.

The survey, reported on by Stephanie Levitz of The Canadian Press, asks whether people visited with friends or family outside of their homes. It’s probable there were lots of people who let someone, friends or family, step inside the front door and stand in the foyer for a few minutes, to say the least.

And, according to the survey, there were a large portion of people who blatantly broke the rules and had people over to visit.

But this a far cry from actually leaving the country and then in one case blatantly lying about it or attempting to deceive.

The mantra “we’re all in this together“doesn’t seem to be on the lips of all of our leaders anymore. This is unfortunat­e but it really has nothing to do with the poll.

Perhaps a more accurate sub headline might have been something like “Canadians losing confidence in Canada‘s ability to fight COVID-19.”

Let’s not try and minimize some of our leaders’ lack of leadership and integrity.

Richard Knight, Kelowna

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