The Daily Courier

RCA summer arts blast camp to feature 3-time Juno nominee Ginalina

- ——— Special to Okanagan Newspaper Group

The Rotary Centre for the Arts is offering a summer camp experience hosted by musician, singer-songwriter, and three-time Juno nominated and Canadian Western Canadian Artist of the Year, Ginalina.

Inspired by the beauty of the west coast, community, and her cultural roots, Ginalina makes modern folk music for all ages and is the author of the award-winning children’s book, The Mighty River.

With the support of Kala Brand Music Co., Ginalina will bring an assortment of colourful ukuleles to share with new song-makers and aspiring young musicians in Kelowna.

“The ukulele is a very friendly, portable, and internatio­nally-loved instrument. With only four strings and a smaller body than a guitar, it makes a great starter instrument for anyone open to music,” she said in a news release. “It’s incredible how far discoverin­g the basics can go — a few chords, natural strumming patterns, and meaningful encouragem­ent can lead to new friendship­s, musical confidence, and a new happy place. I’m looking forward to a great time together with the campers at the Rotary Centre for the Arts.”

For this special oneweek ukulele-themed workshop, students ages 7 to 12 years old will be introduced to the instrument in a fun, folky, and practical process.

Ginalina and her team of helpers will use a variety of music demonstrat­ions, active memory games, summer challenges, and popular songs to build enjoyment, understand­ing, and talent on the ukulele.

During the camp week, students will have the opportunit­y to sign out their instrument to bring home to play and practice.

Registrati­on for the ukulele camp from

July 12-16 is open and on a first-come basis.

Register at rotarycent­reforthear­

Additional five-day and one-day camps are open also open for registrati­on.

 ?? ginalinamu­ ?? Juno nominee Ginalina performs to a group of children.
ginalinamu­ Juno nominee Ginalina performs to a group of children.

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