The Daily Courier



“The Kominsky Method” had a very emotional ending. How did it hit you?

The idea of somebody getting their big break late in life is such a mixed, odd blessing. It’s like you want to root for it but it just brings sadness. And yeah, when I watched it, I was feeling for Michael.

I was telling somebody that Michael Douglas has been such a big star for so long, you kind of take it for granted. And you don’t think of him necessaril­y with the flashiest of actors like you think of De Niro or Pacino ... but he’s so good and it’s so subtle a lot of what he does. And it was really an education, sort of like going to acting class or Kominsky class for me to watch him work and find the levels and the subtle gradations and delivery and an energy. And sometimes you don’t even see it on the set but when you watch it on camera you go, “Oh, this guy knows what he’s doing.”

I had a lot of friends go, “Wow, he’s let himself go.” You know, the first meeting I had with Chuck (Lorre, the show’s creator) ... I didn’t know anything other than, “You’re going to be the old guy who’s going out with Michael’s daughter.” ... He said, “I just want to let you know, we’re gonna age you up a little.” I said, “That’s fine.” He said, “We’re gonna give you a gut.” And I went, “Well, I have my own gut but thank you.” He said, “We’re gonna extend and we’re going to make you bald.” I said, “Well, the hair is thinning so if you just wait awhile, I can save you some money

and effort.” And he said, “The ponytail.” ...

I would walk around the studio a lot (In Martin garb) and I’d see somebody and I’d wave and they would look at me like, “I don’t know who that guy is.” ... Then I’d pass a mirror and just go, “Oh

God, it’s my father.” ... I went, “Wowww! There it is. I just saw the future – and the past.”

 ??  ?? As Martin, you were almost unrecogniz­able under the prosthetic­s. How was it for you?
As Martin, you were almost unrecogniz­able under the prosthetic­s. How was it for you?

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