The Daily Courier

The celestial vermin threat

- KEN Ken Tapping is an astronomer with the Dominion Radio Astrophysi­cal Observator­y near Penticton.

On Jan. 26, a tiny asteroid passed us by a mere 3,600 km away, at a speed of around 9.3 kilometres a second. Known as 2023 BU, it was discovered by Crimean amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov about five days earlier.

Fortunatel­y the object was too small to constitute a real threat to us. However, this event showed that even with special telescopes designed to spot asteroids, some of them slip through, to be discovered by dedicated amateurs, or possibly missed altogether.

Until the end of the 18th Century, the Solar System presented a puzzle. There is a big gap between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, which should not exist. There should be a planet there. In 1801, Giuseppi Piazzi, an Italian priest and astronomer, found something. He called the “new planet” Ceres.

It was a bit small, with a diameter of about 1,000 km, but at least there was planet where one was expected to be. However, soon after, three more “new planets” were found orbiting in that gap. They were named Pallas, Vesta and Juno, all in similar orbits. This was entirely unexpected.

It was agreed these bodies were not planets, so they became known as “asteroids”, because through the telescopes of the time, they just looked like stars. They are better referred to as minor planets.

Now we know there are millions of these objects ranging in size from Ceres down to rubble. We now believe that many of the asteroids are bodies that would have joined together to form that expected planet. However, Jupiter’s strong gravitatio­nal pull stopped this happening. Others are wandering lumps of material that somehow never got captured by a growing planet. Although most of them spend their time between Mars and Jupiter, others range around the Solar System, with a good number venturing in among the inner planets, flying past us, and in a few instances over our history, hitting us.

When astronomer­s started using cameras on telescopes, which involved carefully controllin­g the telescopes’ tracking during the hours-long photograph­ic exposures that were needed to image the most distant galaxies and nebulae, the astronomer­s were not happy to see tracks across their laboriousl­y obtained images. These were due to asteroids drifting across their field of view during the exposure. This led to asteroids being referred to as the Vermin of the Skies.

With people living over most of the surface of the Earth, and its resources being stretched to meet their needs, even a relatively small asteroid impact could be a disaster. This has led to a number of sky monitoring programs to detect threatenin­g vermin. A recent experiment has shown it is possible to change the orbit of asteroids on potential collision courses if they are detected early enough: years, or many months in advance.

Most of the asteroids were formed from dust and ice. Many of the smaller ones are basically orbiting rubble piles just about holding themselves together by gravity. One of these approachin­g the Earth would be torn apart by the Earth’s gravity, due to it pulling at the nearest parts on the asteroid more strongly than the most distant parts.

Then much of the resulting rubble stream, moving at many kilometres a second, would burn up in the atmosphere. If 2023 BU had come closer to us, that would probably have been its fate. Asteroids a few kilometres across or more, like the one that sealed the fate of the dinosaurs, some 64 million years ago, are much more solid. There are solid, rocky ones out there, and some that are lumps of nickel iron. This is why we take the celestial vermin threat so very seriously.


Venus shines brightly, low in the sky after sunset. It looks like an aircraft landing light. Jupiter, almost as bright, and yellower, lies in the south-west, with Mars, redder and fainter, high in the south. The moon will reach last quarter on the March 16.

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