The Daily Courier

Not sure there is a Trudeau fortune



Perhaps you watch the House of Commons Question Period, or read Hansard for light entertainm­ent. If not, I will describe Feb. 14, 2023 to you. The excitement was palpable. Andrew Scheer rose to his feet. In his imitation of Diefenbake­r, he said “this prime minister brags about his vast family fortune.”

Whoa! Have you ever heard Trudeau brag about a fortune? No? I haven’t either. But neverthele­ss, Mr. Scheer went on: “This prime minister spent $7,000 on a hotel room” (At last telling, it was six thousand. Is that conflation?

The Queen, aged 96, having reigned for over 70 years, died.

Dignitarie­s from around the world, including Canada, travelled to the U.K. to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. Perhaps Mr. Scheer would feel better if they had stayed at a hostel. Does poor Mr. Scheer have amnesia?

John Baird entertaine­d friends on holidays at Canadian embassies around the world.

Peter McKay enjoyed a $35,000 air lift from a fishing lodge back to parliament paid for with government cheques that were issued bearing “Harper government.”

“Canada’s Action Plan” signs, without any action plan, appeared across the country. Our dear Scheer himself, never away from the public trough in his entire adult life, aspiring to be prime minister in 2018, took it on himself to embark on a four day trip to the U.K. to meet with with Prime Minister May and other U.K. ministers, ostensibly to discuss “trade”, even though a Canada- U.K. trade agreement had been accomplish­ed the previous year by Prime Minister Trudeau.

We can safely assume Mr. Scheer stayed in comfortabl­e accommodat­ion and not at his own expense.

Similarly, later that year, his pointless 13 hour flight, in order to spend nine days in India, to self importantl­y enjoy photo ops with “mid-profile” dignitarie­s, did not come without cost.

This closely parallels Mr. Poilievre’s Feb. 17, 2023 message on television, where he, also never away from the tax-payer’s dole, speaks of the “hard working people who have suffered so much under eight years of Justin,” adding “we’ll bring back our jobs.”

Evidently he had not heard that 254,000 jobs were created in Canada in the last two months.

Perhaps by “jobs” he refers to the Harper/Kenney job plan of temporary foreign workers, who were then discarded, dead or alive at the conclusion.

Their vicious, jealous, rancor has become so extreme, so detached from reality, it suggests more a need for profession­al help, than being vote worthy. Elaine Lawrence, Kelowna

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