The Daily Courier

Restrict marketing to kids in stores


TORONTO — A new report that looks at the prevalence of marketing to children inside grocery stores and restaurant­s suggests regulation is needed to help reduce unhealthy food temptation­s.

The report, funded by Heart and Stroke and published on Tuesday, audited displays at more than 2,000 restaurant­s and 800 stores across Canada and says children may be bombarded with messages that make junk food seem appealing.

Researcher­s found nearly 53 per cent of stores had “junk food power walls” at checkout aisles, which it says are prime areas to market to kids because products are placed within their reach.

The research said that placement encourages “pester power” – when children nag or pester their parents to make impulse purchases.

“Parenting is hard enough without having to deal with environmen­ts that are explicitly designed to get our kids pestering us for junk food that’s not supportive of their health,” said Leia Minaker, the author of the report and an associate professor at the University of Waterloo.

“We’re set up to fail by the stores and the restaurant­s that we go into,” Minaker said.

“It’s really hard to make healthy choices for your kids in this context.”

Designs and themes such as “magic, adventure and zoo animals” are also commonly seen in beverage and ice cream

fridges, Minaker said.

The report comes as Bill C-252 for “prohibitio­n of food and beverage marketing directed at children” is under considerat­ion by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health.

“Given the high proportion of childdirec­ted marketing observed in both stores and restaurant­s in this Canadian research, it’s clear that policies aimed to restrict marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to kids – something long promised by the federal government – should include point-of-sale locations,” said Doug Roth, CEO of the Heart and Stroke Foundation in a news release.

Stores can help by creating “healthy checkout policies,” where checkout aisles wouldn’t feature junk food and sugary drinks, the report said.

Prohibitin­g toy giveaways with unhealthy children’s meals in restaurant­s could also help reduce consumptio­n of unhealthy food, it said.

A spokespers­on for Ad Standards, the Canadian self-regulatory organizati­on for the advertisin­g industry, said they couldn’t comment specifical­ly on the report.

But they directed The Canadian Press to the Code for the Responsibl­e Advertisin­g of Food and Beverage Products to Children, which restricts advertisin­g of products that don’t meet certain nutritiona­l standards to children under 13 years of age.

Ad Standards will begin administer­ing the code later this year, spokeswoma­n Jessica Yared said in an email.

But according to the code, the restrictio­ns don’t apply to many point-of-sale marketing tactics, including “displays, in-store flyers, posters, menus, menu boards and other on-premises communicat­ions and material about a food or beverage product.”

However, those marketing media “may not include language that directly urges a child to buy the product, or directly urge a child to ask another person to buy it for them,” Yared said.

 ?? ?? The Canadian Press
A new report that looks at the prevalence of marketing to children inside grocery stores and restaurant­s suggests regulation is needed to help reduce exposing kids to unhealthy foods.
The Canadian Press A new report that looks at the prevalence of marketing to children inside grocery stores and restaurant­s suggests regulation is needed to help reduce exposing kids to unhealthy foods.

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