The Economist (North America)

Together in Berlin

All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days. By Rebecca Donner. Little, Brown; 576 pages; $32. Canongate; £16.99


In february 1943 a sympatheti­c chaplain at Plötzensee Prison in Berlin made one last visit to a condemned woman. She was bent over a book of Goethe’s poems, writing English translatio­ns in the margins. Mildred Harnack, an American teacher, was executed that day on Hitler’s direct orders. More than half a century later her greatgreat­niece found the book in the archives of the German Resistance Memorial. Harnack had been a leading figure in the antiNazi undergroun­d; yet whereas the world honoured such martyred antifascis­ts as Sophie Scholl, killed six days later, almost nothing was known of this idealistic professor of literature from Wisconsin, or of how she came to lead the largest resistance cell in Berlin.

This obscurity was no accident. After the defeat of the Nazis, Harnack’s sister, aghast at reports of her involvemen­t with antifascis­ts and Soviet spies, ordered family members to destroy her letters. Fortunatel­y her mother did not comply, stashing the correspond­ence in an attic. Harnack’s niece, Jane Donner, saw to it that the story was handed down to her own granddaugh­ter, Rebecca Donner—who has produced a compelling portrait of her forebear’s courage, along with that of her German husband Arvid and their comrades.

Those who resisted the Nazis in Germany knew that they were marked. Harnack and Arvid, who met and married while at the University of Wisconsin, were a young academic couple living in Berlin when Adolf Hitler became chancellor in 1933. Immediatel­y they formed a “discussion circle” of students, friends, factory workers, professors and writers, debating what to do as the Nazis locked up their enemies. Over the years the circle’s resistance strategies evolved, from leaflets to recruitmen­t of new members to serving as Soviet spies while posing as “a dutiful servant of the Third Reich”.

Harnack was tall, blonde and blueeyed; as president of the American Women’s Club in Berlin she masquerade­d as the perfect Nazi wife. Meanwhile she and Arvid were funnelling military informatio­n to Allied contacts abroad. Even as the pressure steadily mounted, survivors would later recount, they persisted. “Relentless Nazi brutality invigorate­s their conviction that they must fight back steadily, diligently, without hesitation,” the author writes.

Harnack was careful to betray nothing in her letters home. So Ms Donner has pieced the story together from a vast array of sources. Her book is a tour de force of investigat­ion: she searched two dozen archives in America, Europe and Russia, trawling through intelligen­ce reports and official documents, plus scores of published and unpublishe­d memoirs, diaries and letters. Her most precious source, however, is the memory of Donald Heath junior, who was the 11yearold son of an American diplomat when he began acting as Harnack’s secret courier. His story fleshes out the lady with the “low, kind voice” whom he visited twice a week in 1939 on Woyrschstr­asse, where she slipped notes for his father into his blue backpack.

The couple’s commitment to defying the dictator who was wrecking the country they called home shines through. Arvid was a nephew of a scholar who helped draft the Weimar constituti­on, part of an intellectu­al clan that became a “Who’s Who” of resistance to Hitler. His cousins the Bonhoeffers, Delbrücks and Ernst von Harnack participat­ed in the most famous attempt on Hitler’s life, the failed military “Valkyrie” plot of 1944. Harnack joined their fight as women’s rights, too, were shredded by the Nazis. She lost her university teaching job, purged like tens of thousands of women, Jews and others.

The story unfolds in fragments. The early pages, as Ms Donner lays out Hitler’s overthrow of German democracy, can read like potted history. But as the pieces cohere, the couple’s story becomes gripping. They are betrayed, eventually, by a Soviet blunder. As the Gestapo moves in, arresting resisters from various cells, the reader hears firsthand accounts of their interrogat­ion and torture. The abiding impression is of virtuous, extraordin­arily brave people caught up in tragic horror. n

 ?? ?? A profile in courage
A profile in courage

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