The Economist (North America)

Expanding PrEP treatments


Too many people continue to become infected with HIV globally and in sub-Saharan Africa particular­ly, so I appreciate your leader highlighti­ng the need to improve prevention efforts (“How to beat HIV” September 23rd). Pre-exposure prophylaxi­s (PrEP), using drugs to reduce the risk of HIV infection, is a critical tool in efforts to end the epidemic. Oral PrEP works for everyone, men and women, regardless of sexual orientatio­n.

True, the impact of PrEP among women in sub-Saharan Africa has been suboptimal because of challenges with adhering to daily pill-taking, limited access and stigmatisa­tion. However, making oral PrEP easily and widely accessible in communitie­s has been shown to facilitate its uptake. Indeed, research such as the SEARCH study in Kenya and Uganda has found this approach to be associated with lower HIV infection risks among men and women.

New PrEP options, including a long-lasting injection and the vaginal ring, are exciting and needed. People should have choices that suit their needs. Cabotegrav­ir, an injectable PrEP, has been found highly effective at preventing HIV. However, manufactur­ing injectable PrEP is complicate­d and generic cabotegrav­ir is years away. Access remains very limited. Moreover, most projects planning to offer injectable PrEP do not focus on so-called key population­s who are at particular­ly high risk of HIV, such as sex workers, transgende­r people and men who have sex with men. Even in sub-Saharan Africa, where girls and young women face substantia­l HIV risk, about half of new infections are among key population­s and their sexual partners. Punitive laws like those criminalis­ing samesex relations undermine HIV-prevention efforts. Removing these barriers is critical to ensuring health-care access for those who need it most, something no new pharmaceut­ical product will do.


Forum for Collaborat­ive Research University of California, Berkeley

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