The Georgia Straight




Two long-time addicts have taken an unconventi­onal road to sobriety: prescripti­on heroin. They are the first participan­ts in a Vancouver experiment to graduate to abstinence, according to the program’s operator, Providence Health Care.

Since November 2014, Crosstown Clinic in the Downtown Eastside has seen a select group of addicts visit three times a day to receive clean, legal, and regulated doses of heroin, paid for by B.C. taxpayers. It’s the only facility like it in North America.

Critics describe the program as giving up on people. Supporters respond by noting prescripti­on heroin is proven to stabilize entrenched addicts’ lives, helping them secure employment and housing, reduce tendencies to commit crimes, and improve their health.

Now those two patients constitute another measure of success.

They’re part of a growing number who have used diacetylmo­rphine—the medical term for heroin—to transition to abstinence or to stop using needles in favour of opioids taken orally.

“There are a couple that are now abstinent,” Crosstown’s physician lead, Dr. Scott Macdonald, told the Straight. “So this is not an end-ofthe-line treatment. It is a way for people to get some stability, regain some health, get their minds clear, and then move on to other things.”

Since enrolling at Crosstown, 25 former injection-drug users have transition­ed to oral therapies, according to statistics provided by Providence Health Care. Nine transition­ed to oral hydromorph­one and 16 to methadone, Suboxone, or slowreleas­e oral morphine.

Dianne Tobin was the first to go completely free of drugs. On the phone from her family’s home in Bridgewate­r, Nova Scotia, she recounted how she did it.

Over the course of four decades, Tobin told the Georgia Straight, she tried and failed many times to get clean, sometimes putting herself through terrible bouts of withdrawal. Each time, she returned to heroin that she was forced to buy on the street.

Then, on March 15, 2006, Tobin became one of the first Vancouver residents to receive prescripti­on heroin as part of an academic study at Crosstown. A similar research project followed, beginning in 2011. Then, in November 2014, she began receiving heroin-assisted treatment (HAT) outside of those experiment­s.

Her life became increasing­ly stable and, in late 2016, Tobin transition­ed to oral hydromorph­one. For the first time since she was 17 years old, she spent an extended period of time without using needles. Next, with the help of her doctor at the clinic, she lowered her hydromorph­one intake in increments, from 425 milligrams per day to 125 per day and then to a 75-milligram dose just twice a week. On December 5, she visited Crosstown for the last time.

Tobin remained in the Downtown Eastside for a short while after that. But the fentanyl crisis began to get to her.

“I’d hear somebody else died, somebody else died,” she explained. “You didn’t have time to grieve. You couldn’t go to the memorials. I would have been at a memorial every day. I just finally got tired of it and I told Doc, ‘I’m going home, where I don’t have to hear ambulances all day.’ ”

Last year, 922 people in B.C. died of an illicit-drug overdose. The synthetic opioid fentanyl was detected in about 60 percent of those deaths.

Today it’s only a select group of 91 entrenched addicts that is allowed to access prescripti­on heroin. At Crosstown, patients have used opioids for an average of 26.6 years and failed with traditiona­l treatments such as methadone an average of 11.4 times.

In response to the arrival of fentanyl and a sharp increase in overdose deaths, Macdonald said he wants to lower the threshold for access to diacetylmo­rphine.

“If you’ve had a resuscitat­ion attempt with Narcan and you’ve got opioid-use disorder, you should be offered treatment on demand,” he said. “For some people, that will be methadone or Suboxone. But if they won’t accept one of those, we should be offering injectable treatment.”

In a telephone interview, Health Minister Jane Philpott said she supports a medicalize­d model for prescripti­on heroin. Asked what the Liberal government has done to facilitate the expansion of heroin-assisted treatment beyond Crosstown, she responded: “This isn’t anything that the federal government can do on its own, because the delivery of health-care services falls largely into the jurisdicti­on of provinces.”

But Macdonald argued that it is the federal government that must act to facilitate wider access to prescripti­on heroin.

“It’s a complicate­d process to prescribe, dispense, and store diacetylmo­rphine,” he explained. “If it is going to be available, those regulation­s need to be streamline­d and some of the obstacles removed. This [diacetylmo­rphine] needs to be produced, stored, just like any other pharmaceut­ical or opioid.”

With files from Sam Fenn, Gordon Katic, and Alexander Kim. This article was written in partnershi­p with Cited Podcast and Lifeofthel­aw, a program distribute­d on NPR stations across the United States. Visit Straight. com to listen to a related radio documentar­y about the fentanyl crisis and a controvers­ial fix for addiction.

 ??  ?? Vancouver resident and activist Dianne Tobin is the first person in North America to exit a prescripti­on-heroin program and not go back to using opiates.
Vancouver resident and activist Dianne Tobin is the first person in North America to exit a prescripti­on-heroin program and not go back to using opiates.

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