The Georgia Straight


NOVEMBER 14 TO 20, 2019

- by Rose Marcus

Mercury ends retrograde next Wednesday but will extend its tour of Scorpio to December 9. For now, continue to put extra attention into action. If there is something you need to see, Mercury will expose it. The retrograde peel-it-back process has more than the average kick to it. It is to your advantage to take a deeper look. The more questions you ask, the more you’ll uncover and the better informed you will be. A fuller commitment to necessary and desired improvemen­t will most certainly set you up for better odds.

Thursday can start with uncertaint­y, drain, lost time, or high expectatio­ns unmet. Venus/Neptune is well used for creative and marketing projects, for an escape, or for letting it go. Friday’s stars keep the going and the getting on a smooth groove. Finishing up the day, Moon/Uranus picks Friday as the best of the weekend for a night out or for a get-together. The moon in Cancer makes for a good weekend to stay close to home. If Saturday brings you to a stop or a jam-up, it won’t be for long. Saturday night through Monday, the stars are on a wind-it-up. You could feel this as added motivation, a bit more stress or tension, or you could get pulled into more than you planned.

Just before Mercury in Scorpio finishes retrograde, Mars begins a sixweek stint in this same sign. Working together on the bigger-picture agenda, both transits set an opportune backdrop for the implementa­tion of empowering new choices. Mercury ends retrograde on Wednesday morning, but allow a little more time to see your way clear, to get it more fully up to speed. Mars stirs up a next wave next weekend.


March 20–April 20

Pump up your immune system, but otherwise, ease your way along Thursday/Friday. If you hit a stop or an impasse on Saturday, it won’t be for long. As of Sunday afternoon, the stars infuse you with more get-up-and-go. As of Tuesday/Wednesday, Mars in Scorpio and the end of Mercury retrograde assist you to get a better lock on it.


April 20–May 21

Feeling more emotional, vulnerable, or exposed? Although a good transit for relaxation, creativity, or romance, Thursday’s Venus/Neptune can expose feelings you might want to avoid or deny. Saturday/Sunday, you may wrestle with yourself, another, or it. Mars enters Scorpio next Tuesday and Mercury ends retrograde on Wednesday. Both will strengthen your resolve and provide an extra push where it needs to happen.


May 21–June 21

Cozy up and prioritize selfcare this weekend. Home and family are likely to need more attention from you, too. Watch for an energy or activity perk-up as the moon advances into Leo on Sunday afternoon. Starting Tuesday, Mars in Scorpio can increase your workload. To the plus, the transit can push you to up your game and to undertake the necessary improvemen­ts.


June 21–July 22

Friday should prove smoothrunn­ing. Saturday, let yourself off the hook. If you don’t have to, don’t. Facing it or them could take more effort than you may feel ready for. If you run out of steam, it won’t be for long. Sunday onward, you’ll gain better momentum. Mars in Scorpio and the end of Mercury retrograde top you up with better fuel.


July 22–August 23

The workweek ends on a smooth note. Aim for under the covers; catch up on rest or reading

Saturday. You’ll be ready for more action once the moon treks into Leo on Sunday afternoon. Monday begins a productive week. Mars in Scorpio, starting Tuesday, and the end of Mercury retrograde (as of Wednesday) help you to strip it down and take aim with better precision.


August 23–September 23

You can run out of energy or run up against it on Saturday. You won’t be held up for long. One way or another, Sunday/Monday sends you back into battle. Tuesday/Wednesday, the moon in Virgo sets you onto a fresh initiative. Mars in Scorpio and the end of Mercury retrograde assist you to be more effective with your time and to make better inroads.


September 23–October 23

Mars finishes up in Libra through Monday, but you may gain even better traction while the action planet tours Scorpio. The end of Mercury retrograde (Wednesday) is also in your favour. Both transits loan you better focus, stamina, resourcefu­lness, and intuitive smarts. Although the week ahead can see you gain better ground, an undercurre­nt of emotion or financial stress builds through next weekend.


October 23–November 22

The going is smooth-running Friday through midday Saturday. Sunday onward, you’ll feel a pull to switch track and to dive into the next item on the to-do list. Holding court over the week ahead, Mars enters Scorpio on Tuesday, Mercury in Scorpio ends retrograde on Wednesday, and the sun exits Scorpio next Friday. They mark the week ahead as a work in progress.


November 22–December 21

Friday evening is your best for a cozy-up. If you come to a stop on Saturday, it won’t be for long. Sunday/Monday, the moon in Leo supplies a fresh infusion. The week ahead sets you up for a next page. Mars in Scorpio increases resourcefu­lness and sharpens your aim. Despite the improvemen­t curve, an element of “up in the air” continues.


December 21–January 20

Go easy on it, on yourself, or on another Friday/Saturday. A gentle word, touch, or nudge does the trick well. Sunday/Monday, the Leo moon supplies you with fresh fuel. Look to Mars in Scorpio (starting Tuesday) and Mercury in Scorpio (ending retrograde on Wednesday) to clarify more, to shift your thinking, and to sharpen your focus.


January 20–February 18

Creativity and social flow are in good shape Thursday/Friday. Saturday, don’t force what isn’t coming naturally. Sunday onward, the stars supply more fuel. Mars in Scorpio (starting Tuesday) and the end of Mercury retrograde on Wednesday shift your attention and the priority. A hands-full or hands-on week lies ahead. One thing leads to another.


February 18–March 20

Friday brings the end of the workweek to a smooth landing. Minimize spending and output Saturday. Don’t buy into pressure. Sunday onward, you’ll pick up better speed. Mars in Scorpio (continuing through the end of the year) and the end of Mercury retrograde boost confidence, incentive, prospects, and advantages. The future hits a fuller swing as of next weekend.

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